Editorial Workflows

Editorial Backup

public workflow

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This workflow contains at least one Python script. Only use it if you trust the person who shared this with you, and if you know exactly what it does.

I understand, install the workflow!

This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Saves or restores a backup of all Editorial workflows, snippets, bookmarks, and local documents as a zip file in Dropbox (this requires the Dropbox account to be linked).

Please note: If you want to restore a backup on a different device, you first have to download the backup file (just tap on it in the document list). This is required because Editorial doesn't sync zip files by default.

Restoring a backup will *overwrite* all existing workflows, snippets, and bookmarks, so it's possible that you'll lose data this way. The best way to avoid any data loss is to create a backup before restoring anything.

Shared by: @olemoritz

Comments: Comment Feed (RSS)

@ClareMacraeUK — 25 Feb 2015
The prompt "This will replace all your workflows with the ones that are stored in the selected backup" is a bit misleading, as it replaces a bunch of other stuff as well, AFAICT.
@olemoritz — 26 Feb 2015
Thanks, that was from an old version of the workflow that only backed up workflows. I've changed the message accordingly now.
@ClareMacraeUK — 27 Feb 2015
Thanks for providing the fixed prompt in http://www.editorial-workflows.com/workflow/5895111988740096/0J91ZjD5JJQ.

Even more minor point: it might be worth making that the one that is linked to from the workflows home page.
@olemoritz — 01 Mar 2015
Right, thanks. Not sure why I edited a different version.
@dahanbn — 03 Aug 2015
Sorry, the missing template backup belongs to that workflow.

As it seems it doesn't back up the templates as well? Could it be possible that templates also will be backed up and can be restored in a future version?
anonymous — 23 Jan 2017
I'm not sure if this is the same version of the workflow, but I installed my workflow by tapping the wrench button/More Workflows/Editorial Backup from Editorial 1.3.

I then get the following error message in the console when trying to backup for the first time: " ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980"

Any ideas?
MyGeekDaddy — 01 Feb 2017
Yep. Getting the same error on iPad Pro and iPhone 6s. Backups give me the zip error before 1980 and restore does not find any of my backups.
MyGeekDaddy — 01 Feb 2017
There is another 'Editorial Backup' WF that appears to be identical to this one, however the other WF works for me. http://www.editorial-workflows.com/workflow/5875078046679040/48wEzZVrovc
Rol — 27 Mar 2017
Neither WF version is working on my iPad Pro 9.7.
FireDragon — 28 Mar 2017
I confirm that neither WF version is working on my iPad Pro 9.7 either.

+ Add Comment

Workflow Preview
Show Alert ?
Create or Restore?
The backup of your workflows, snippets, bookmarks, and local documents will be created as a zip file in your Dropbox (EditorialBackup_Year: 2001_Month: 01_Day: 01-Hour: 01 (24h)_Minute: 01.zip). Editorial needs to be linked to Dropbox for this to work.
Button 1
Create Backup
Output Value
Button 2
Output Value
Button 3
(don't show)
Output Value
Show Cancel Button
Set Variable ?
Variable Name
If "Backup" was selected... ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Create the Backup (Python) ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow
import editor
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
import datetime
from io import BytesIO
import json
import shutil

t = datetime.datetime.today()
backup_filename = 'EditorialBackup_' + t.strftime('%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M') + '.zip'
wf_path = editor.get_workflows_path()
wf_files = os.listdir(wf_path)
snpt_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Snippets')
snpt_files = os.listdir(snpt_path)

zip_buffer = BytesIO()
with ZipFile(zip_buffer, 'w') as z:
	# Backup workflows:
	for filename in wf_files:
		name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
		if extension in ('.wkflw', '.edcmd'):
	# Backup snippets:
	for filename in snpt_files:
		name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
		if extension in ('.snpt', '.edcmd'):
	# Backup bookmarks
	z.writestr('EditorBookmarks.json', json.dumps(editor.get_bookmarks('editor')))
	z.writestr('BrowserBookmarks.json', json.dumps(editor.get_bookmarks('browser')))
	# Backup local documents:
	doc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents')
	shutil.make_archive('Documents', 'zip', doc_path)

zip_data = zip_buffer.getvalue()
editor.set_file_contents(backup_filename, zip_data, 'dropbox')
Show HUD ?
HUD Text
Backup Created
  • 1 Second
  • 2 Seconds
  • 3 Seconds
  • "Success"
  • "Error"
…End If
If "Restore" was selected.... ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
List Backups (Python) ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow
import editor
import os
import re

wf_path = editor.get_workflows_path()
db_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(wf_path)[0], 'Dropbox')

backups = []
files = os.listdir(db_path)
for filename in files:
	if re.match('EditorialBackup_.*\\.zip$', filename):
Stop if no backups are found... ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Show Alert ?
No Backups Found
No backup files were found. You might need to download them first, if you see grayed-out backup files in your Dropbox folder.
Button 1
Output Value
Button 2
(don't show)
Output Value
Button 3
(don't show)
Output Value
Show Cancel Button
Stop ?
  • This Workflow
  • Repeat Block
Show HUD Alert
…End If
Select from List ?
Select a Backup
List (Lines)
Multiple Selection
Show in Popover
Show Warning Alert ?
This will replace all your workflows, snippets, bookmarks, and local documents with the ones that are stored in the selected backup (Input). Documents that are synced with Dropbox will not be changed.
Button 1
Output Value
Button 2
(don't show)
Output Value
Button 3
(don't show)
Output Value
Show Cancel Button
Restore the Backup (Python) ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow
import editor
from os import path
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
import shutil
import json

backup_filename = workflow.get_input()
db_path = path.join(path.split(editor.get_workflows_path())[0], 'Dropbox')
backup_path = path.join(db_path, backup_filename)

with ZipFile(backup_path, 'r') as z:
wf_path = editor.get_workflows_path()
snpt_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Snippets')
files = os.listdir(wf_path)
for filename in files:
	if filename == 'Snippets.edcmd' or path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.snpt':
		shutil.move(os.path.join(wf_path, filename), os.path.join(snpt_path, filename))
	if filename == 'EditorBookmarks.json':
		with open(os.path.join(wf_path, filename), 'r') as f:
			bookmarks = json.load(f)
			editor.set_bookmarks(bookmarks, 'editor')
		os.remove(os.path.join(wf_path, filename))
	if filename == 'BrowserBookmarks.json':
		with open(os.path.join(wf_path, filename), 'r') as f:
			bookmarks = json.load(f)
			editor.set_bookmarks(bookmarks, 'browser')
		os.remove(os.path.join(wf_path, filename))
	if filename == 'Documents.zip':
		doc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents')
		with ZipFile(filename, 'r') as docszip:
			names = docszip.namelist()
			for name in names:
				if not name.startswith('Inbox/'):
					docszip.extract(name, doc_path)
		os.remove(os.path.join(wf_path, filename))

Show HUD ?
HUD Text
Backup Restored
  • 1 Second
  • 2 Seconds
  • 3 Seconds
  • "Success"
  • "Error"
…End If