Editorial Workflows

Search Workflows



Generate new iTunes affiliate links using the Blink app by Squibner. You'll be requested to enter the app's name (uses selected text, if there is any). The result replaces selected text (if there is any) and is available in your clipboard. *If you want to use campaign tokens, you need to delete the Find/Replace action that removes them.


Shorten the URL of the latest post in WordPress using Bitly and tweet it.

Shorten with Bitly

Shorten a URL using Bitly and tweet it.

Post To WordPress

Publish a post to WordPress. Extract a URL at the top of the document to optionally assign it to a custom field. Launch another workflow at the end to shorten the just-published post with Bitly. Originally by @viticci.

New File with Options

Create a new file from the browser, the clipboard or a new empty file with smart options using this template.

Browser - iPad Popover

An alternative in-app browser.

Clean Clipboard Link with Clean Links

Sends a URL from the clipboard to the Clean Links app and then returns to Editorial.

Save Link to Pinboard from Browser

Save a link to Pinboard using Browser URL as URL, Browser Title as Title, Selected Browser Text as description and asks you to fill in tags. You need to be logged in to Pinboard in the Browser for this to work.

Save Link to Pinboard

Save a link to Pinboard using clipboard as URL, selected text as title and asks you to enter description and tags. You need to be logged in to Pinboard in the Browser for this to work.


Put this workflow in your bookmarks bar and have quick access to helpful data like Today's Date, Your Clipboard, What's open in the browser and quick links to some of your most used workflows. Clicking a link will open it in the in-app browser, links are customizable. Link title and URL are separated by tab.

Revert Percent Encoding

Reverts Percent Encoding of Text in the Clipboard. This workflow doesn't include every single perfect encoded item but contains everything to revert percent encoding of Markdown files.

Percent Encode

Percent Encodes either the Clipboard, Selected Text or Browser Selection and pastes the result in the clipboard.

New Affiliate Link App Store Search

Generate new iTunes affiliate links using the new PHG affiliate system. Checks the clipboard for a link and then suggests to make it an affiliate link from it and puts the link in your clipboard. If you choose not to make an affiliate link out of it or if you don't have a link in the clipboard, you are asked if you want to search the App Store for a link. This is my New Affilate Link workflow modified to search the App Store instead of Google.

App Store Search

Performs an App Store Store search based on Pedro Lobo's App Store Linker workflow. The result you choose will be copied to the clipboard. You need to set your affiliate token and the list limit (the search won't always return the correct match in the first case) in the variables before running this workflow for the first time.

Pinboard Link Library Simple with Tags

Shows a list of links from a Pinboard User RSS feed. Requests a Username and supports tags(it's optional). Selected links are copied to the clipboard. The RSS feed is shown using Federico Viticci's Get RSS Feeds workflow action. This version is meant to be preconfigured, so you need to edit the variables inside and it will always show the feed you set up. This version supports showing tags.

Pinboard Link Library Simple Without Tags

Shows a list of links from a Pinboard User RSS feed. Requests a Username and supports tags(it's optional). Selected links are copied to the clipboard. The RSS feed is shown using Federico Viticci's Get RSS Feeds workflow action. This version is meant to be preconfigured, so you need to edit the variables inside and it will always show the feed you set up. This version doesn't support showing tags.

Pinboard Link Library

Shows a list of links from a Pinboard User RSS feed. Requests a Username and supports tags(it's optional). Selected links are copied to the clipboard. The RSS feed is shown using Federico Viticci's Get RSS Feeds workflow action.

Smart Move (updated)

Checks the file location. If it's in Local, it suggests to move it to Dropbox. If it's in Dropbox, it suggests to move it to Local. This version solves a problem in the original Smart Move workflow that creates a file with Yes as it's content when moving to Dropbox.

Open Requested URL in the Browser

Requests a URL and opens it in the browser.

Smart Move

Checks the file location. If it's in Local, it suggests to move it to Dropbox. If it's in Dropbox, it suggests to move it to Local.