Editorial Workflows

Staff Picks

Visual Find & Replace

This workflow uses the UI module to allow you to do a find & replace throughout your selected text or the entire document if no text is selected. The UI was designed to work on both the iPhone and the iPad. Options include: * Text or Regular Expression * Case-sensitive searches * Preview panel to make sure you're replacing what you want to replace (especially helpful for regex). This was adapted from the built-in Diff with Clipboard workflow. If you have any suggestions, find any bugs, or want to see my other workflows for Editorial, please visit http://sweetnessoffreedom.wordpress.com/projects

Editorial Backup

Saves or restores a backup of all Editorial workflows, snippets, bookmarks, and local documents as a zip file in Dropbox (this requires the Dropbox account to be linked). Please note: If you want to restore a backup on a different device, you first have to download the backup file (just tap on it in the document list). This is required because Editorial doesn't sync zip files by default. Restoring a backup will *overwrite* all existing workflows, snippets, and bookmarks, so it's possible that you'll lose data this way. The best way to avoid any data loss is to create a backup before restoring anything.

Open in...

Shows the "Open in..." menu for the current document.

Get App Price

Queries the iTunes Store API to search for an app's name, returns formatted name and price (in USD) in a popover. The workflow can optionally create an affiliate link if affiliate information is provided in two variables at the top. More information on affiliate links and iTunes Search API: http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/ http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/documentation/itunes-store-web-service-search-api.html#searching

Preserve Line Breaks

Preserve Line Breaks was inspired by Brett Terpstra's Mac Service of the same name. To preserve a line break in iOS, markdown syntax requires that you type three spaces. But in iOS, typing two spaces generates a period, which drives me nuts. This workflow takes the text of a document, adds three spaces to the end of each line as required by Markdown, and the replaces the original text with the proper Markdown syntax.


Select the word closest to the caret, lookup this word in Terminology app, and return < Back to the selection in Editorial.

Change MD Ref Mark

Workflow to rename Markdown link reference markers. Displays a list of all reference style Markdown references. After selecting a marker, enter the new marker name Note: the marker list search is a little lazy. Fixed a dumb mistake. Now shows all marks reference marks. ::: Made by Macdrifter.com ::: Version 1.1

Search Workflows...

Searches the workflow directory using the JSON API, and presents the results in a list selection.

Find & Replace (Popover)

Find occurrences of a regex in the document and ask for each one, whether it should be replaced (using a popover).

Insert Image...

Saves an image from the camera roll as a jpeg file in the current document's directory, and inserts a markdown image reference.

Convert to Ordered List

Uses a repeat block and variable math to turn lines of text into a numbered list.

Workflow Backup...

Saves or restores a backup of all Editorial workflows in Dropbox (this requires the Dropbox account to be linked).

Custom Actions Pack

This is a collection of several unrelated custom actions.