Editorial Workflows

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(This is a slightly modified version of a workflow by agiletortoise. Unlike the original, it doesn't require a second workflow to be installed, the callback from Phraseology is handled by the same workflow) Send selected text to Phraseology to arrange lines and sentences. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.


Send selected text to Phraseology to inspect. This will display statistical information about the text. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.

Syntax Inspector

Uses the new `linguistictagger` module to highlight lexical classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives...) in the current document — very similar to the syntax highlighting in Agile Tortoise's Phraseology app (but not editable).


(This is a slightly modified version of a workflow by agiletortoise. Unlike the original, it doesn't require a second workflow to be installed, the callback from Phraseology is handled by the same workflow) Send selected text to Phraseology to arrange lines and sentences. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.

Send to Phraseology

Based on "Send to Daedalus" workflow, but altered to use Phraseology 2.0 x-callback-url instead.

Open in Phraseology

This workflow will create a new document in Phraseology based on the currently selected text. If no text is selected, it will use the dntire document text instead.


Send selected text to Phraseology to inspect. This will display statistical information about the text. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.


Send selected text to Phraseology to arrange lines and sentences. Requires "Replace Text" workflow be installed to accept result. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.


Send selected text to Phraseology to arrange lines and sentences. Requires "Replace Text" workflow be installed to accept result. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.


Send selected text to Phraseology to inspect. This will display statistical information about the text. For details, visit help.agiletortoise.com. Requires Phraseology 2.0.