Editorial Workflows

Search Workflows


Post to Dreamwidth/LiveJournal

This workflow posts to Dreamwidth or LiveJournal depending on user input, and could be set to post to other sites which are based on LiveJournal’s codebase and use the same XMLRPC API. The workflow fetches a tag list, automatically sets the location, and allows for the user's mood and music to be passed to LiveJournal before opening the entry in Safari. This must be combined with my Set Password workflow to work properly (the title of the service you set in the Set Password workflow must be the same as the one you select from the list in this workflow). In order to use this workflow, edit the 'username' variable to your username. This workflow was based in part on the 'Post to WordPress' workflow by Federico Viticci. It was also greatly informed by posts on both EllisLab and the lj-clients community on LiveJournal.

Markdown to Ulysses

Export a Markdown document from Editorial to Ulysses. Requested file name will be added as the # Title of a new sheet in Ulysses at the top.

Post To LiveJournal

Easily publish posts to LiveJournal. The workflow fetches a tag list, automatically sets the location, and allows for the user's mood and music to be passed to LiveJournal before opening the entry in Safari. Please note that this workflow sends the user's LiveJournal password in the clear. In order to use this workflow, edit the 'username' variable to your LiveJournal username and the 'service' variable to whatever you chose when you created a password with the Set Password workflow, also by @johncoxon. This workflow was based in part on the 'Post to WordPress' workflow by Federico Viticci. It was also greatly informed by posts on both EllisLab and the lj-clients community on LiveJournal.

Upload to Evernote

This workflow converts markdown to html and uploads it to default Evernote notebook. In addition, filters lines with dates in format YYYY-MM-DD and sets it as Evernote Note Title and fetches Evernote Tags so those could be assigned to the note. Based on @viticci "Fetch Tags" workflow and HTML to EN workflow. More info: http://www.cookiemash.cz/od-editorial-k-omnifocus/

Get App Price

Queries the iTunes Store API to search for an app's name, returns formatted name and price (in USD) in a popover. The workflow can optionally create an affiliate link if affiliate information is provided in two variables at the top. More information on affiliate links and iTunes Search API: http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/ http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/documentation/itunes-store-web-service-search-api.html#searching


Given a tweet URL in the clipboard, the workflow queries the Twitter API to get the HTML embed code for that tweet. The Twitter account configured in the iOS Settings is used for authentication. HTML is copied into the clipboard.


Create a new file from Instapaper's Share Notes feature. Made for Markdown exporting only.


Create a new file from Instapaper's Share Notes feature. Made for Markdown exporting only.

Post To WordPress

Publish a post to WordPress. Extract a URL at the top of the document to optionally assign it to a custom field. Launch another workflow at the end to shorten the just-published post with Bitly. Originally by @viticci.

Post Markdown to WordPress

**Note:** This is an update to my earlier "Post Markdown to WordPress" workflow. Take a Markdown document and post it to a WordPress blog. Since WordPress now will accept Markdown directly there is no conversion to HTML done on the document. This workflow allows choosing a category(ies), entering post tags, choosing a post status, and scheduling a post by giving a date in the future. The workflow also looks for a Multimarkdown "Title:" tag at the top of the file. If one is found a choice of that title or the file name is given for use as the post title. Enter your blog details in the parameters for the Get Connection Details action. "Service" is just a key used to store your blog password; it can be anything you like. Reset Password, copied from Federico Viticci's posting workflow, allows you to clear your stored password.

Recherche App Store pour Livres & Apps

Rechercher livres et applications dans l'iBookStore et l'App Store, sur la base d'une sélection ou d'une requête personnalisée. Remplace le texte ou insère un lien Markdown (avec ID affilié), suivi du prix dans le Store entre parenthèses. [Nom App / Livre](lien) (prix) Le workflow est commenté et coloré, avec les variables à modifier (ID Affilié et pays du Store). N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute question ou nouvelle fonctionnalité. Merci à @viticci pour le script de requête issu de son workflow "Get App Price".

App Store search for Books & Apps

Search for books or apps in iBookStore and App Store, based on selection or typed query. Replaces text or inserts Markdown link (with affiliate ID), followed with store pricing in brackets : [App / Book Name](link) (price) The workflow has comments and colors, with variables to be edited (Affiliate ID and Store country). Feel free to contact me for questions or new features. Thanks to @viticci for the query script from his "Get App Price" workflow.

Bible Verse Footnote

This workflow allows a selected Bible reference to be looked up in the English Standard Version, through Crossway's API, and returned as a markdown footnote. See related workflow for a blockquote format at http://www.editorial-workflows.com/workflow/6398031989571584/a3n-NNsLNc0 Footnote workflow modified from Federico Viticci's "New Footnote" Workflow.

Markdown Link

Creates a reference-style Markdown link based on either a) clipboard contents or b) the current browser URL. This workflow adapts Federico Viticci's workflow for creating Markdown links.


Send multiple items in a row to Fantastical as separate lines. Requires input text.

iTunes Link

Queries the iTunes Store API to search for a media item and returns a markdown link. If text is already selected, it is used as the link title. Searchable media includes Music (by artist, album, or track), Movies, TV Shows, Apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac), Podcast, and eBooks. Thanks to @viticci for the base framework for this workflow!

Post Markdown to WordPress

Take a Markdown document and post it to a WordPress blog. Since WordPress now will accept Markdown directly there is no conversion to HTML done on the document. This workflow allows choosing a category(ies), entering post tags, and choosing a post status. The workflow also looks for a Multimarkdown "Title:" tag at the top of the file. If one is found a choice of that title or the file name is given for use as the post title. Enter your blog details in the parameters for the Get Connection Details action. "Service" is just a key used to store your blog password; it can be anything you like. Reset Password, copied from Federico Viticci's posting workflow, allows you to clear your stored password.

Link MD (clipboard)

Select text first that will have inline or reference link info appended. This workflow adapts Federico Viticci's workflow for creating MD links from whatever page is open in the internal browser and enables it to work with info stored in the Clipboard too. This is not only great if you're doing a research session in browsers external to Editorial. It also great for creating wiki style links to other Editorial docs in your repository (local or Dropbox). The great thing about Federico's original workflow is that it allows you to choose inline or reference when creating the MD link and this provides that same functionality.

Instapaper Feeds

Retrieves the RSS feed for your Instapaper account and displays all articles in a given folder. You can display Unread, Liked, and any folders you've created. The feeds can be found on your Instapaper account online. Edit the quoted sections in Select from List action to replace with the URL for corresponding feed (without the quotes!). There needs to be a tab between the folder name and the feed url to designate the url as output. Follow that format to add more folders if desired. * This is built on the Get RSS Feeds workflow by @viticci


Read iCloud Tabs as lines of a remote text file, and show them in a popover. Tap line to open the tab's URL in the Editorial browser.