Editorial Workflows

Insert Image...

public workflow

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This workflow contains at least one Python script. Only use it if you trust the person who shared this with you, and if you know exactly what it does.

I understand, install the workflow!

This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Saves an image from the camera roll as a jpeg file in the current document's directory, and inserts a markdown image reference.

Shared by: @pastrunho

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Workflow Preview
A document has to be open... ?
Run the block if
File Name
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Stop ?
  • This Workflow
  • Repeat Block
Show HUD Alert
No Document Selected
…End If
Run Python Script ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import photos
import workflow
import console
import editor
import os
import io

img = photos.pick_image()
if not img:

doc_path = editor.get_path()
doc_dir, fn = os.path.split(doc_path)
default_name = 'Image'
i = 1
while True:
	if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(doc_dir, default_name + '.jpg')):
	default_name = 'Image_' + str(i)
	i += 1

root, rel_doc_path = editor.to_relative_path(editor.get_path())
filename = console.input_alert('File Name', 'The image will be saved in the folder of the current document.', default_name + '.jpg', 'Save')
if not filename:
img_data = io.BytesIO()
img.save(img_data, 'jpeg')
rel_doc_dir, fn = os.path.split(rel_doc_path)
dest_path = os.path.join(rel_doc_dir, filename)
editor.set_file_contents(dest_path, img_data.getvalue(), root)
Replace Selected Text ?
Replacement Text