Editorial Workflows

Shuffle List

public workflow

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This workflow contains at least one Python script. Only use it if you trust the person who shared this with you, and if you know exactly what it does.

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Converts the current document to a list, with one item per line. Shuffles this list, then chooses k number of items per group and prints. Randomly draws an additional number of items as needed to complete group.

Shared by: samuelkordik

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Document Text ?
Folded Text
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Source Code
# coding: utf-8

import workflow
import dialogs
import os
import numpy as np
import console

text = workflow.get_input()
action_out = ""

def prout (str):
	global action_out
	action_out += str + '\n'

lines = text.split('\n')
lines = lines[0:len(lines)-1]
print lines


# Ask for number of options per group
choose = dialogs.form_dialog('Items per Group',[{'type': 'number', 'key':'k','value':'3'}])
if choose is None:
	prout('Action cancelled, returning shuffled list.')
	i = 0
	for name in lines:
		prout( str(i+1) + '.\t' + name )
		i += 1
	n = len(lines)
	prout('Choosing ' + choose['k']+' from '+str(n)+'...\n')
	i = int(choose['k'])
	group = 1
	for name in lines:
		if i == int(choose['k']):
			prout('\n===== GROUP '+str(group)+' =====')
			i = 0
			group += 1
		prout( str(i+1) + '.\t' + name)
		i += 1
	remaining = n%int(choose['k'])
	remaining = int(choose['k']) - remaining
	if remaining > 0:
		remainder = lines[0:remaining]
		for name in remainder:
			prout( str(i+1) + '.\t'+name)
Create Document ?
Shuffled List.txt
Open in Editor