Editorial Workflows


public workflow

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Random treasure generation for ACKS.

Shared by: Chris Allison

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Workflow Preview
Get File Contents ?
File Name
ACKS data/treasure.txt
In Dropbox
If File Does Not Exist
  • Empty Output
  • Stop Workflow
Set Variable ?
Variable Name
Create List ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow, ast

action_in = {}
action_in = ast.literal_eval(workflow.get_variable('treasure'))

action_out = ''

for item in action_in:
	action_out += action_in[item]['Class']+" - "+action_in[item]['Type']+'\n'

Sort Lines ?
Sort Order
  • Ascending (A → Z)
  • Descending (Z → A)
Select from List ?
Select treasure type:
List (Lines)
Multiple Selection
Show in Popover
Shorten List for Script ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow

action_in = workflow.get_input()

#TODO: Generate the output...
action_out = action_in[0]

Generate Treasure ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow, random, ast

treasure_class = workflow.get_input()
treasure_dict = ast.literal_eval(workflow.get_variable('treasure'))

treasure_list = ['Copper',"Silver",'Electrum','Gold','Platinum']
gem_list = ['Gem','Jewelry']
gem_value = {'ornamental': 50, 'gems': 200, 'brilliants':4000, 'trinkets': 225, 'jewelry': 1000, 'regalia': 11000}
coin_value = {'Copper': .01, 'Silver': .1, 'Electrum': .5, 'Gold': 1, 'Platinum': 5}

def roll_em(dice,pips,mod):
	total = 0
	for i in range(1,dice+1):
		total += random.randint(1,pips)
	total += mod
	return total

def generate_treasure(t_type):
	total = 0
	treasure = ''
	treasure = '**Treasure Type {}**<br> '.format(t_type)
	for item in treasure_list:
		amount = 0
		prob = int(treasure_dict[t_type][item])
		x = roll_em(1,100,0)
		if x <= prob:
			amount = roll_em(int(treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_amount'][1]),int(treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_amount'][3]),int(treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_amount'][5]))
			amount *= 1000
			treasure += '* {}: {} coins <br> '.format(item,amount)
			total += (amount * float(coin_value[item]))
	for item in gem_list:
		amount = 0
		prob = int(treasure_dict[t_type][item])
		x = roll_em(1,100,0)
		if x <= prob:
			amount = int(roll_em(int(treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_amount'][1]),int(treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_amount'][3]),int(treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_amount'][5])))
			treasure += '* {}: {} {} (value {} each) <br> '.format(item,amount,treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_type'],gem_value[treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_type']])
			total += (amount * gem_value[treasure_dict[t_type][item+'_type']])
	treasure += '* Magic {} <br> '.format(treasure_dict[t_type]['Magic '])
	treasure += 'The total value of this hoard is {}gp <br>'.format(int(total))
	return treasure

Replace Selected Text ?
Replacement Text