Editorial Workflows

Wandering Monsters (Dungeon)

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: A random encounter workflow for the Adventure Conqueror King system.

Shared by: Chris Allison

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ACKS data/Monsters.txt
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List (Lines)
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import workflow,random, ast

monster_dict = ast.literal_eval(workflow.get_variable('monster_dict'))
level = int(workflow.get_input())

wandering_m = {1: [['Beetle, Giant Fire',1,8,0],['Centipede, Giant',2,4,0],['Ferret, Giant',1,8,0],['Goblin',2,4,0], ['Kobold',4,4,0], ['Brigand',2,4,0],['Goblin',1,12,0], ['NPC Party',1,4,2],['Orc',2,4,0], ['Rat, Giant',3,6,0],['Skeleton',3,4,0],['Stirge',1,10,0]], 
               2: [['Bat, Giant',1,10,0],['Fly, Giant Carnivorous',1,8,0],['Ghoul',1,6,0],['Gnoll',1,6,0],['Hobgoblin',1,6,0],['Lizardman',2,4,0],['Insect Swarm, 2HD',1,10,0], ['Berserker',1,6,0],['NPC Party',1,4,2],['Snake, Pit Viper',1,8,0],['Troglodyte',1,8,0],['Zombie',2,4,0]], 
               3: [['Ant, Giant',2,4,0],['Bugbear',2,4,0],['Carcass Scavenger',1,3,0],['Gargoyle',1,6,0],['Lizard, Giant Draco',1,3,0],['Werewolf',1,6,0],['NPC Party',1,4,2],['Ogre',1,6,0], 	['Scorpion, Giant',1,6,0],['Throghrin',1,6,0],['Wight',1,6,0],['Wolf, Dire',1,4,0]], 
               4: [['Boar, Giant',1,4,0],['Cockatrice',1,3,0],['Wereboar',1,4,0],['Weretiger',1,4,0],['Medusa',1,3,0],['Minotaur',1,6,0],['NPC Party',1,4,2],['Owl Bear',1,4,0],['Phase Tiger',1,4,0],['Rhagodessa, Giant',1,4,0],['Snake, Giant Python',1,3,0],['Wraith',1,4,0]], 
               5: [['Ankheg',1,6,0],['Basilisk',1,6,0],['Caecilian',1,3,0],['Ettin',1,2,0],['Giant, Hill',1,4,0],['Giant, Stone',1,2,0],['Hell Hound, Greater',2,4,0],['NPC Party',1,4,3],['Salamander, Flame',1,4,1],['Spectre',1,4,0],['Troll',1,8,0],['Wyvern',1,2,0]], 
               6: [['Cyclops',1,1,0],['Demon Boar',1,4,0],['Dragon, 20HD',1,1,0],['Giant, Cloud',1,2,0],['Gorgon',1,2,0],['Hydra, 12HD',1,1,0],['Lamia',1,1,0],['NPC Party',1,4,3],['Purple Worm',1,2,0],['Remorhaz, 15HD',1,1,0],['Skittering Maw',1,1,0],['Vampire, 9HD',1,4,0]]}

wm_level = {1:[0,0,10,11,13],2:[0,4,10,12,13],3:[2,4,10,12,13],4:[2,4,10,12,13],5:[2,4,10,13,14],6:[2,4,13,14,15]}

def roll_em(dice,pips,mod):
	total = 0
	for i in range(1,dice+1):
		total += random.randint(1,pips)
	total += mod
	return total
def encounter(monster,dice,pips,mod):
			mon_dict = monster_dict[monster.title()]
		except KeyError:
			mon_dict = monster_dict['Goblin']
			print monster

		# Determining the number of creatures encountered, the distance (as per a wooded encounter) and surprise.
		tot_enc = 0
		if int(pips) == 1:
			tot_enc = 1
			enc1 = "Encounter: {} {}.".format(tot_enc,monster)
			tot_enc = roll_em(int(dice),int(pips),mod)
			enc1 = "Encounter: {} {}.".format(tot_enc,mon_dict['Natural Spelling Plural'])

		# Determining hit dice and hit points for creatures (NOTE: I screwed up some low hp creatures in the CSV file.  Will need to fix.)
		hd = 1
		hp = []
		x = 0
		except ValueError:
			mon_dict['HD'] = 1
			for i in range(1,100):
				print '********************'+mon_dict[""]+'**********************'
		num_beasties = 0
		if tot_enc > 26:
			num_beasties = 26
			num_beasties = tot_enc

		if int(mon_dict['Pips']) == 0:
			hd = str(mon_dict['HD'])
			for beast in range(1,num_beasties+1):
				x = roll_em(int(mon_dict['HD']),8,0)

		elif mon_dict['HD'] in (0,'',""):
			hd = str(mon_dict['Pips'])+'hp'
			for beast in range(1,num_beasties+1):
				x = mon_dict['Pips']
			hd = str(mon_dict['HD'])+'+'+str(mon_dict['Pips'])
			for beast in range(1,num_beasties+1):
				x = roll_em(int(mon_dict['HD']),8,int(mon_dict['Pips']))

		if mon_dict['2nd Move Type'] == '':
			two_move = 'None'
			two_move = mon_dict['2nd Move Type']+" "+mon_dict['2nd Move Spd']

		# Final part of the stat block and returning the full script to the map.
		enc3 = '>**Al**: {}, **Move**: {}, **Alt**: {}, **AC**: {}, **HD**: {}<br>**HP**: {}<br>**Atk**: {}, **Dam**: {}<br>**Save**: {}, **Morale**: {}, **Treasure**: {}, **XP**: {} (total {}xp)<br> **Special**: {}.'.format(mon_dict['Align'],mon_dict['Move'],two_move,str(mon_dict['AC']),str(hd),str(hp).strip('[]'),mon_dict['Attacks'],mon_dict['Damage'],mon_dict['Save'],str(mon_dict['Morale']),str(mon_dict['Treasure Type']),str(mon_dict['XP']),int(mon_dict['XP'])*num_beasties,mon_dict['Special Attack'])
		full_text = enc1+'\n'+enc3
		return full_text

wm_mod = roll_em(1,12,0)
mod_level = 0
if wm_mod < wm_level[level][0]:
	mod_level = level -2
elif wm_mod < wm_level[level][1]:
	mod_level = level -1
elif wm_mod < wm_level[level][2]:
	mod_level = level
elif wm_mod < wm_level[level][3]:
	mod_level = level +1
elif wm_mod < wm_level[level][4]:
	mod_level = level +2
if mod_level < 1:
	mod_level = 1
rm_monster = random.choice(wandering_m[mod_level])
monster_name = rm_monster[0]
monster_die = int(rm_monster[1])
monster_pips = int(rm_monster[2])
monster_mod = int(rm_monster[3])

random_enc = roll_em(1,6,0)

if random_enc < 3:
	result = 'Encounter roll {} for dungeon level {}: {}<br>'.format(random_enc,level,encounter(rm_monster[0],rm_monster[1],rm_monster[2],rm_monster[3])).translate(None,'"').lstrip(',')
	result = 'Encounter roll {} for dungeon level {}: No encounter.<br>'.format(random_enc,level)

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