Editorial Workflows


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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: A collection of tutorials pertaining to Editorial.

Included are a bunch of IOS URL schemes.

I will update this workflow as I learn more about editorial.

Shared by: Tutorial Doctor

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Markdown Tutorial ?
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# Welcome to Editorial Editorial is a powerful editor for [Markdown][1] and `plain text` documents. When you write in Markdown, you'll see a basic inline *preview* of your markup right within the editor. You can always switch to a full HTML preview with a left swipe gesture. This is also where you find additional tools – a web browser for quick research, the Python console for scripting, and the full documentation about all of Editorial's features. What sets Editorial apart from other writing tools is that it has an extremely flexible **automation system**. You can build your own workflows with an easy-to-use **drag'n'drop** interface and Python scripts. In fact, all of the commands that you see in the "wrench" menu are built with the very same basic building blocks that you can use for your own commands. Tap the (>) button next to them to see how they were built, then make your own! Have a look at the *Help* tab in the accessory panel for more details. ## Tips and Tricks * Tap on the title of a document at the top to view its outline (Markdown headings), word count, and to rename it. * The extended keyboard row with special characters can also be used to position the caret in the current line – just swipe left and right across it. * You can tap and hold the keys that have a gray corner to access additional characters. You can also swipe up on such a key to insert the first alternative character (e.g. '\' when you swipe up on the '/' key). * The "lightning" button on the keyboard gives you access to text snippets. A few are already there to get started, but you can of course add your own, and trigger them with custom abbreviations. * Tap on the gray triangle in the top-lefthand corner to show the *bookmarks bar*. You can add shortcuts to frequently used documents there, but bookmarks can also trigger your favorite workflows. ## Feedback I hope you enjoy using Editorial. If you have any questions or feedback, please send an email to <editorial@omz-software.com>. You can also follow me on Twitter:[@olemoritz][2]. [1]: http://daringfireball.net/markdown [2]: http://twitter.com/olemoritz
Url Scheme Tutorial ?
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*note: download my Colour,Format, and Justify workflows for these links to work, or replace the workflow names with names of your own.* # Markdown Workflow Links You can run workflows from markdown links with: *\[LinkName](editorial://?command=WorkflowName)* ### Examples [Color](editorial://?command=Color) `Runs the workflow named Color` [Format](editorial://?command=Format) `Runs the workflow named Format` [Justify](editorial://?command=Justify) `Runs the workflow named Justify` # Editorial File Open You can open editorial files with: *\[LinkName](editorial://open//FileName?root=local)* `Opens a local file` *\[LinkName](editorial://open/FolderName/FileName?root=local)* `Opens a local file inside of a folder` *Remember to include the extension after the name* You can use Dropbox with: *\[LinkName](editorial://open//FileName?root=dropbox)* `Opens a file from Dropbox` ### Examples [Welcome](editorial://open//Welcome.md?root=local) `opens the file named Welcome.md` *It seems the file has to be in the main documents folder. Case sensitive.* # IOS Schemes [Links](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7658685/how-to-open-native-ios-app-calendar-notes-from-a-link-on-website) [videos](videos://open) [iBooks](ibooks://open) [Music](music://open) [Calendar](calendar://open) [Telephone](tel:1-800-2356) [Maps](http://maps.apple.com/?q=cupertino) [Reminder](x-apple-reminder://open) [Photos](photo://open) # Other apps (must be installed) [Textastic](textastic://open) [Pythonista](pythonista://open) [Word Press](wordpress://open) [Flipboard](flipboard://addSection/[#]) [Flipboard](flipboard://open) [Documents by Readle](rdocs://open) [Dropbox](dbapi-1://open) [Facebook](fb://open) [Garageband](Garageband://open) [iBooks](itms-Books://open) ## Gonna make this quick: Title| Launch URL |App Id Audible Audible:// 379693831 Bing Bing:// 418435837 Contacts Journal cjournal:// 327685977 DayOne dayone:// 421706526 Documents rdocs:// 295798315 Draw­Some­thing DrawSomething:// 488627858 Dropbox dbapi-1:// 327630330 eBay (universal) eBay:// 282614216 Ever­note Evernote:// 281796108 Face­book fb:// 284882215 Fan­dango Fandango:// 307906541 Find Friends FindMyFriends:// 466122094 Flickr Flickr:// 328407587 Flip­board Flipboard:// 358801284 Garage­Band GarageBand:// 408709785 Google+ gplus:// 284815942 Google Mail googlegmail:// 422689480 GoodReader gropen:// 363448914 Google Earth kml:// 293622097 Handbase Handbase:// 674161727 HBOGO HBOGO:// 429775439 iBooks itms-Books:// 364709193 IMDB IMDB:// 342792525 INRIX Traffic inrixtraffic:// 324384027 iThoughts ithoughts:// 369020033 iTranslate itranslate:// 288113403 Kin­dle Kindle:// 302584613 Mail Mailto: Default Mr.Reader mrreader:// 412874834 Music Music:// Default Pan­dora Pandora:// 284035177 Pay­Pal PayPal:// 283646709 Pho­to­Sync PhotoSync:// 415850124 Pin­ter­est Pinterest:// 429047995 QuickOffice quickofficedoc:// 578386521 Quora Quora:// 456034437 Red­Laser RedLaser:// 312720263 Remote Remote:// 284417350 Reminders App (Apple) x-apple-reminder:// Default Safari http://google.com Default ScannerPro by Readdle spprint:// 395904807 Score­Cen­ter ScoreCenter:// 317469184 Skype Skype:// 304878510 Sound­Hound SoundHound:// 355554941 Spar­row Sparrow:// 417250177 Spo­tify Spotifiy:// 324684580 SQLed sqled:// 475312085 Twit­ter Twitter:// 333903271 WSJ WSJ:// 364387007 Yahoo Axis yaxis:// 506520874 Yelp Yelp:// 284910350 Zap­pos Zappos:// 392988420 Zite Zite:// 419752338 >flipboard://addSection/section_id_here?title=Your_Title_Here& description=The_description_here&ImageURL=Image_url_for_thearticle >If you want to create a new section, just use the hash tag. >Asked to answer by Jonny Taylor. [link](http://www.quora.com/iOS/What-is-the-URL-scheme-for-Flipboard-App) # Facebook [profile](fb://profile/(fbid)) [profile](fb://profile) – Open Facebook app to the user’s profile [friends](fb://friends) – Open Facebook app to the friends list [notifications](fb://notifications) – Open Facebook app to the notifications list (NOTE: there appears to be a bug with this URL. The Notifications page opens. However, it’s not possible to navigate to anywhere else in the Facebook app) [feed](fb://feed) – Open Facebook app to the News Feed [event](fb://events) – Open Facebook app to the Events page [request](fb://requests) – Open Facebook app to the Requests list [notes](fb://note/compose)- Open Facebook app to the Notes page [albums](fb://albums) – - Open Facebook app to Photo Albums list [publish](fb://publish/?text=some text to post) [compose](fb://messaging/compose) # Facebook(old) fb://album/%@ fb://album/(aid) fb://album/(aid)/cover fb://album/(initWithAID:) fb://album/(initWithAID:)/cover [album](fb://album/new) fb://albums [bday](fb://birthdays) fb://birthdays/(initWithMonth:)/(year:) fb://birthdays/(month)/(year) fb://chat/(fbid) fb://chat/(initWithUID:) fb://chat/(user.fbid) [import](fb://contactimporter) fb://contactimporter/invites fb://contactimporter/legalese fb://contactimporter/modal fb://event/%@ fb://event/%llu fb://event/(event.fbid)/members/(rsvpStatus) fb://event/(fbid) fb://event/(fbid)/members/attending fb://event/(fbid)/members/declined fb://event/(fbid)/members/not_replied fb://event/(fbid)/members/unsure fb://event/(fbid)/rsvp fb://event/(initWithEventId:) fb://event/(initWithEventId:)/members/(rsvpStatus:) fb://event/(initWithEventId:)/rsvp fb://events fb://events/ fb://faceweb/(initWithURL:) fb://facewebmodal/(initWithURL:) fb://feed fb://feed/%@ fb://feed/(filter.filterKey) fb://feed/(initWithFilterKey:) fb://feedfilters fb://findfriends fb://findfriends/legalese fb://findfriends/modal fb://friends [pick](fb://friends/picker) fb://friends/sync fb://friends/sync/(removeData:) fb://friends/sync/disconnect fb://friends/sync/legalese fb://group/(fbid)/members fb://group/(initWithGroupId:)/members fb://groups fb://launcher [mail](fb://mailbox) fb://mailbox/(folder) fb://mailbox/(initWithFolder:) fb://mailbox/(initWithFolder:)/(tid:) fb://mailbox/(mailbox.folder)/(tid) fb://mailbox/compose fb://mailbox/compose/(fbid) fb://mailbox/compose/(initWithUID:) fb://map fb://messaging fb://messaging/(folder) fb://messaging/(initWithFolder:) fb://messaging/(initWithFolder:)/(tid:)/participants fb://messaging/(initWithFolder:)/thread?tid=(tid:) fb://messaging/(mailbox.folder)/(urlEscapedTid)/participants fb://messaging/(mailbox.folder)/thread?tid=(urlEscapedTid) fb://messaging/compose fb://messaging/compose/(fbid) fb://messaging/compose/(initWithUID:) fb://messaging/original_message?mid=(commentId) fb://messaging/original_message?mid=(initWithMessageId:) fb://nearby fb://note/%@ fb://note/(initWithNoteId:) fb://note/(initWithNoteId:)/edit fb://note/(noteId) fb://note/(noteId)/edit fb://note/compose fb://notes fb://notifications fb://online fb://online#offline fb://online#online fb://page/(page.id) fb://pages fb://photo/%@/0/%@ fb://photo/(album.user.fbid)/(album.aid)/(pid) fb://photo/(album.user.fbid)/(album.aid)/(pid)/feedback fb://photo/(fbid)/profilepic fb://photo/(initWithProfilePicturesUID:)/profilepic fb://photo/(initWithUID:)/(aid:)/(pid:) fb://photo/(initWithUID:)/(aid:)/(pid:)/feedback fb://photosapp fb://place/%@ fb://place/(initWithPageId:) fb://place/(targetId) fb://place/addfriends fb://place/addphoto fb://place/create fb://places fb://places/%lld/%lld fb://places/(initWithCheckinAtPlace:)/(byUser:) fb://places/legalese/tagged/%lld/%lld fb://places/legalese/tagged/(initWithTaggedAtPlace:)/(byUser:) fb://post/%@ fb://post/%@_%@ fb://post/(initWithPostId:) fb://post/(initWithPostId:)/tagged fb://post/(postId) fb://post/(postId)/tagged fb://post/(postId)/untagSelf fb://post/(untagSelfFromPostWithId:)/untagSelf fb://profile fb://profile/ fb://profile/%@ fb://profile/%lld fb://profile/(addFan:)/addfan fb://profile/(fbid) fb://profile/(fbid)/addfan fb://profile/(fbid)/addfriend fb://profile/(fbid)/fanpages fb://profile/(fbid)/fans fb://profile/(fbid)/favorite fb://profile/(fbid)/friends fb://profile/(fbid)/info fb://profile/(fbid)/menu fb://profile/(fbid)/mutualfriends fb://profile/(fbid)/photos fb://profile/(fbid)/poke fb://profile/(fbid)/removefriend fb://profile/(fbid)/wall fb://profile/(initWithFBID:)/menu fb://profile/(initWithFansUID:)/fans fb://profile/(initWithFriendsUID:)/friends fb://profile/(initWithInfoUID:)/info fb://profile/(initWithMutualFriendsUID:)/mutualfriends fb://profile/(initWithPhotosUID:)/photos fb://profile/(initWithUID:) fb://profile/(initWithUID:)/addfriend fb://profile/(initWithUID:)/fanpages fb://profile/(initWithUID:)/poke fb://profile/(initWithUID:)/removefriend fb://profile/(initWithWallUID:)/wall fb://profile/(toggleFavorite:)/favorite fb://profile/(user.fbid)/fans fb://profile/(user.fbid)/friends fb://profile/(user.fbid)/mutualfriends fb://profile/0 fb://publish fb://publish/mailbox/(initWithFolder:)/(tid:) fb://publish/mailbox/(mailbox.folder)/(tid) fb://publish/photo/(album.user.fbid)/(album.aid)/(pid) fb://publish/photo/(initWithUID:)/(aid:)/(pid:) fb://publish/post/(initWithPostId:) fb://publish/post/(postId) fb://publish/profile/(fbid) fb://publish/profile/(initWithUID:) fb://publish/profile/(owner.fbid) fb://requests fb://root fb://upload fb://upload/%@/album/%lld/%@ fb://upload/%@/checkin/%lld fb://upload/%@/profile/%lld fb://upload/(initWithSource:)/album/(uid:)/(aid:) fb://upload/(initWithSource:)/checkin/(checkinId:) fb://upload/(initWithSource:)/profile/(uid:) fb://upload/actions fb://upload/actions/album/(initWithUID:)/(aid:) fb://upload/actions/album/(user.fbid)/(aid) fb://upload/actions/checkin/(checkinId)/ fb://upload/actions/checkin/(initWithCheckinId:) fb://upload/actions/newalbum fb://upload/actions/profile/(fbid) fb://upload/actions/profile/(initWithUID:) fb://upload/actions/resume fb://upload/album/(showUploadMenuWithUID:)/(aid:) fb://upload/album/(user.fbid)/(aid) fb://upload/checkin/(checkinId) fb://upload/checkin/(showUploadMenuWithCheckinID:) fb://upload/discard fb://upload/profile/(fbid) fb://upload/profile/(owner.fbid) fb://upload/profile/(showUploadMenuWithUID:) [resume](fb://upload/resume) fb://userset fb://video/%@ fb://video/(playVideoWithId:) fb://video/(videoId) *-Tutorial Doctor*
RegEx Tutorial ?
Variable Name
# Regular Expression Tutorial **Regular Expression**: A regular expression (abbreviated regex or regexp) is a **sequence of characters that forms a search pattern,**. **Expression**: An expression is a **combination of symbols** that represent an idea. **Pattern**: A pattern is a **predictable sequence** of shapes, sounds, or textures. **Make Simple**: So, a regular expression is a combination of symbols that represent a predictable sequence of characters. In simpler terms, **a regular expression is a pattern** # Find a Name Let's take my name for example: **Tutorial Doctor** The pattern my name follows is that I have some letter characters, followed by a space, followed by some more characters. An expression that stands for **letter characters** is: `\w` Since my first name has 8 characters, I can represent letter characters with 8 characters in it like this: `\w{8}` A good way to remember this is that you are searching for a *word*, with 8 characters in it. Since my last name is not a word with 8 characters, it does not match this pattern. Now that we have an expression for a word with 8 characters, we need an expression for the space that follows that first word. You express a **space** like this: `\s` Now we can represent my first name along with the space after it like this: `\w{8}\s` And finally, we can represent the last name like this: `\w{6}` The whole expression that represnts the pattern my name follows is: \w{8}\s\w{6} So if we search an entire document for things that follow the pattern of: (A word with 8 characters in it, followed by a space, followed by a word with 6 characters in it) We will be able to find my exact name. And if there are other instances that follow this pattern, those things will be found also. Select the expression above and run the "RegEx Tutorial" workflow to see what it finds! # Find a Number I was born in 1986. To express a number you type: \d This stands for **digit characters**. To find a number with 4 digits the pattern would be: \d{4} **Select the expression above a d run the "RegEx Tutorial" workflow to see what it finds!** # Find Numbers and Words We can mix this up a bit! I was born August 28th. My friend was born July 4th. Hmm. We have some letters and 2 digits, a space, two digits and two more letters after that. However, if we were to search for the letters by the exact amount of characters they have, we would have a crazy long expression. So, how do we search for words that have more than 0 characters, rather than by their exact amount of chracters?? One way we can do it is by selecting a range \w{1,9} This means words with 1-9 characters. The reason I chose 9 is because the month with the largest amount of letters has 9 letters. Now we need a space \w{1,9}\s Then we need from 1 to two digits (no month has more than two digits) \w{1,9}\s\d{1,2} And then we need two more letters \w{1,9}\s\d{1,2}\w{1,2} **Select, Run and see!** # Sometimes things are long What if we have something like: 1000RFYY90897898 How will we find something that has this complicated pattern? Well, instead of selecting a range of letters, we can just find sequences with more than 1 character \w+ This means 1 or more characters \d+ One or more digits Our pattern for the example is then: \d+\w+\d+ **Run it!** 1000 RFYY 90897898 This would be done as: \d+\s\w+\s\d+ **Go ahead and give it a go!** # Find an email Sometimes things will have special characters like @ signs as in: **tutorial@yahoo.com** A pattern that all emails form is that it has some text and maybe some special characters followed by an @ sign, followed by some more letters (google,yahoo,aol) followed by a period and then by three more letters. As you did with numbers, you can select a range of letters also: \w+@\w+\.\w{3} **Test it!** This is the basic way to get the email listed above, but emails can have a range of different characters: **joe3love@aol.com** Just as we selected a range of numbes, we can select a range of letters `[A-Z]` Capital letters between "A" and "Z" `[a,z]` Lowecase letter between "a" and "z" `[0,9]` Numbers between 0 and 9 # So what if you want to choose letters OR numbers? You use the OR symbol `|` you can select all lowercase letters between "a-g" OR all capital letters between "F" and "H" `[a-g]|[F-H]` Enclose them in parenthesis to group them together `([a-g]|[F-H])` For more complicated combinations that could be email addresses, we could use: ([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z])\w+@\w+\.\w{3} # Symbols you can also search a set of symbols by enclosing them in brackets The order in which you specify the symbols doesn't matter, just as long as they are consecutive. Name: When"" has-been \w+[-`":"] **Select and Try!** # Whole sentence beginning with a word The caret symbol `^` Means "begins with" ^you.+ This searches things that begin with "you"" Try it. # There is more to this than meets the eyeballs. But that is all for this first "basic" tutorial. \w{2}\s\w{2} **Go ahead and try it!** hahahahaha <hr> # This is a Legend of other symbols you can use: `\d` Represents any number `\D` Represents anything but a number `\s` Represents a space `\S` Represents anything but a space `\w` Any character `\W` Anything but a character `.` Any character except for a line break `\b` Spaces that proceeds or follows a whole word `+ ` one or more of the code that precedes it (in the following case, one or more character). `?` 0 or 1 repetitions of code that precedes it(comes before it) `*` 0 or more repetitions of the code that comes before it. `{n}` number of code preceding it to find. (Find 5 digits in a row, or 1-5 digits in a row) `\d{5}` `\d{1,5}` # Search for a name `'Jennifer\s\w+\s'` # Search for dollar amount `\$\d*\.\d{2}` The $ sign needs to be escaped because they are key signs (used). $100.00 $23.45 # Escaped characters `(` `)` `*` `+` `?` `[` `\` `^` `{` `|` # White space characters `\e` Escape `\F` Form feed `\n `Newline `\r` Carriage Return `\t` (horizontal) # Commonly misspelled words Calender Calendar `calend[ae]r` # Every lowercased letter `[a,z]` # Every Number `[0,9]` # All capital letters `[A,Z]` # Mixed `[A-Fa-t:0-4]` Capital A-F, lowercased a-t, and numbers 0-4 # OR (|) `'(Jennifer|Jen|Jenny)\b\w+\b'` Other way it could be done `'Je(nnifer|nny|n){1,6}\s\w+\s'` To redo the code above we can reference it with \1 next to it. 'Je(nnifer|nny|n){1,6}\s\w+\s' <span style="color:purple;text-align:"> \1</span> # All sentences beginning with a word `'^Cat'\s` # Entire sentence `'(^Cat'\s\w+$)'` Dollar sign is the end of a sentence # Accept new lines `'(^Cat'\s.\+$)'` # Examples [Link](http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RegularExpressionExamples) - Any string containing "a" matches the regex /a/. - A string beginning with "a" matches the regex /^a/ - A string ending with "a" matches the regex /a$/ - A string s matches the regex /r1r2/ iff there exist substrings s1 and s2 such that s = s1.s2 and s1 matches /r1/ and s2 matches /r2/. - A string s matches the regex /r1|r2/ iff either s matches /r1/ or s matches /r2/ (or both). - A string s matches the regex /r1*/ iff either s contains the empty string (always true) or s matches /r1(r1*)/ (or of course both). - A string s matches the regex /[r1]/ iff s is exactly one character and that character appears in the set r1. - To have a ] in the set, place it first. - To invert a set, precede it with a ^. - Numeric and alphabetic sets may be abbreviated similar to [0-9], [a-z] and [A-Z]. # Here are some more: - /.*/ matches anything. - /colo(u|)r/ matches either "color" or "colour". (This can also be written /colou?r/.) - /(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)*(1|3|5|7|9)/ matches all odd positive integers. (Shorter written as /[0-9]*[13579]/. -- ChristofferHammarstrom) - /(1|)(0(0*)1)*(0*)/ matches all strings of 0s and 1s without two 1s in a row. - /0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]/ matches all valid days of the months with 31 days.
HTML Tutorial ?
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# What is HTML? HTML is a **Markup Language**. Markup are small annotations that editors make to a document that let the publishers know how to format certain text. Perhaps the heading is bold with a Times New Roman font. The Editor makes marks on the page to let the publisher know how to format the text. HTML stands for **Hyper Text Markup Language**. It is a markup language that tells a web browser how certain text should be formatted. The way HTML tells a computer how to format text is by surrounding the text with a **tag**. # What is a Tag? A tag is just like a label. The tag has an abbreviation for the name of the type of formatting it represents. Surrounding text with a bold tag makes it bold. <b>This text is bold.</b> Each tag has to be opened and closed. A forward slash in front of a tag name specifies the end of the tag. Tag names go between the less than and greater than signs. If you wanted to underline some text: <u>This text will be underlined.</u> And, if you wanted some text that is underlined to be bold: <u>This Text will be underlined also, but <b>this text will be bold and underlined.</b> </u> So yea, you can have tags within tags. And that is the basics of HTML. A list of HTML tags can be found here: [W3Schools](http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp) # Examples <i>This text will be italic.</i> <hr> *This is a horizontal rule/line. It does not need a closing tag. A tag that doesn't need a closing tag is called a "self closing" tag.* Another tag that is self closing is the break tag: <br> *The break tag is like hitting the ENTER key. It puts a space between sections. Browsers don't automatically detect spaces unless HTML tells them there are spaces.* <textarea>This is a text area. Tap inside to edit the text.</textarea>
TaskPaper Tutorial ?
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TaskPaper Mode: Editorial 1.1 supports the .taskpaper Todo list format, invented by Hog Bay Software (http://hogbaysoftware.com/products/taskpaper). To create a task, type a line starting with a dash. - This is a task Tasks can be tagged, using the '@' symbol. - Another task @home The special @done tag is used to mark finished tasks. - A finished task @done(2014-05-19) (Tags can contain additional information, like the completion date in parentheses.) To insert a project header, simply type a line that ends with a colon (':'). Projects can also have tags. Color Labels: In Editorial's settings, you can associate tags with color labels. Some tags, like @due, @flagged, and @today have default colors, but you can easily change this. - This task should be blue @today - This one is red @flagged Tips: You can rearrange tasks by dragging the right margin. In the iPad version of Editorial, you can tap the checkbox next to a task to automatically add/remove the @done tag. My tasks: - Go to store @today - buy grits@flagged -
Sampler Tutorial ?
Variable Name
# Sampler Use this Markdown document while developing style sheets. It has the look of a real document and has examples of all [Python Markdown syntax](http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/index.html) plus the Tables extension. If you use other extensions, you can add examples at the end. Peter Hopcroft, January 2014 ## Examples of links The text comes from the out-of-copyright book: 'The American Practical Brewer and Tanner', 1815, by Joseph Coppinger. I got it from a [Gutenberg EBook](http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/20663) and I am reusing it under the terms of the [their license](http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Gutenberg:The_Project_Gutenberg_License). >To offer an apology for giving these subjects a place in this publication, seem wholly unnecessary, when their importance is considered. # Examples of basic markdown syntax ## Examples of paragraphs ### Long paragraphs and inline elements Brewing, in every country, whose soil and climate are congenial to the production of the raw materials, should be ranked among the first objects of its domestic and political economy. If any person doubt the truth of this position, I have only to request him to cast an eye on England, where the brewing capital is estimated at more than fifteen millions sterling; and the gross annual revenue, arising from this capital, at seven million five hundred thousand pounds sterling, including the hop, malt, and extract duties. Notwithstanding this enormous excise of 50 per cent. on the brewing capital, what immense fortunes have been made, and are daily making, in that country, as well as in Ireland and Scotland, by the intelligent and judicious practice of this more than useful art. Paragraph with inline elements. Yet how much *stronger* inducements for similar establishments in this country, where we have no duty on the raw **materials**, or the extract; and where the `important` article of hops is raised in as high perfection as in any part of Europe, and often for one third of the price paid in England. But a *still more important consideration is the health and morals of our population*, which appears to be essentially connected with the progress of the brewing trade. **In proof of this assertion, I will beg leave to state a well known fact**; which is, that in proportion as the consumption of malt liquors have increased in our large towns and cities, in that proportion `has the health of our fellow citizens improved`, and epidemics and intermittents, become less frequent. ### More paragraphs The farmer and the merchant will alike find their account in encouraging and improving the produce of the brewery. The same observation holds good as respects the country, where it is well known that those families that brew their own beer, and make a free use of it through the summer are, in general, all healthy, and preserve their colour; whilst their less fortunate neighbours, who do not use beer at all, are devoured by fevers and intermittents. These facts will be less doubted, when it is known that yest, properly administered, has been found singularly successful in the cure of fevers. This the practice of the Rev. Doctor Townsend, in England, places beyond all doubt, where he states, that in fifty fever cases that occurred in his own parish, (some of which were of the most malignant kind,) he only missed a cure in two or three, by administering yest. Having considered the produce of the brewery as it is connected with health, we may, with equal propriety, say it is not less so with morals. ### Short paragraphs The farmer can raise no crop that will pay him better than hops; as, under proper management, he may reasonably expect to clear, of a good year, one hundred dollars per acre. Barley will also prove a good crop, if proper attention be paid to seed, soil, and time of sowing. The merchant will alike find his account in encouraging the brewery, from the many advantages derivable from an extensive export of its produce to the East and West Indies, South America, the Brazils. ## Examples of lists Sky, or water coolers, in general, are: - square vessels - of the best two inch pine plank - properly jointed - from twenty to twenty-five feet square. But particularly to Russia, where good beer is in great demand; large quantities are annually sent there from England, at a much higher rate, it may be presumed, than we could afford to supply them from this country. 1. Since writing the Preface, I have been induced to make an addition to this little work, in order to increase its usefulness, by giving the French mode of tanning, as practised by the famous Mr. Seguine. Of such importance did the Academy of Arts and Sciences at Paris consider this improvement, that they thought it worth while to appoint a committee of their own members to go down to one of the provinces where this gentleman resides, and there, on the spot, superintend his operations, which they did with minute attention; and it is from the journal of their reports to the academy, that the different processes of tanning leather in this ingenious artist's way are here given: - Brewing without boiling. - Brewing strong beer. - A simple method of giving new beer. - A simple method of preventing beer bursting the bottle. 2. This single advantage alone so forcibly recommends its adoption, particularly in a country like ours, where capital is scarce, that further comment is unnecessary. I have also added the Bordeaux method of making and preparing claret wine for shipping, as practised in that city and its vicinity; which practice may possibly hereafter be successfully applied to the red wines of this country. 3. As that territory is now in our possession, and its soil and climate peculiarly favourable to the growth of the grape, which is indigenous there, may it not be an object well worth the attention of our government, to encourage and improve the growth of the wine in that section of the union; which wise measure would, probably, in a few years, supply our own consumption, and leave a considerable surplus for exportation. All these considerations united seem forcibly to recommend giving the breweries of the United States every possible encouragement and extension. Here, it is but justice to state, that the brewers of New-York deserve much credit for the high improvement they have made in the quality of their malt liquors within a few years, which seem to justify the hope that they will continue these advances to excellence, until they realise the opinion of Combrune and others, that it is possible to produce a malt wine. ## Examples of blockquotes A new and economical construction of vats for keeping beer, which, in this way, may be rendered fire proof, whilst at the same time possessing the temperature of the best cellars, although above ground. >The best plan of a well-constructed brewery I conceive to be that of a hollow, or oblong square. A description of the form and plan of a brewery, distribution of the vessels; the most judicious and convenient manner of placing them, with a view to economy, cleanliness, and effect. >The best plan of a well-constructed brewery I conceive to be that of a hollow, or oblong square, where all is enclosed by one or two gateways, (the latter the most complete,) parallel to each other. The first gateway, forming the brewery entrance, to pass through the dwelling house; the second, or corresponding gateway, to pass through the opposite side of the square, into an outer yard, well enclosed with walls and sheds, containing cooper's shop, &c. where all the empty casks might be securely preserved from the injury of wind and weather. >>The sides of these coolers are generally raised from eighteen inches to two feet; in Europe they are generally leaded on their inside, but this expense may be saved, if they are properly made at first. >This yard should be further sufficiently large to afford room for a hay reek, firewood, dung, &c. Cleanliness being as essential in the brewery as in the dairy, it is of th greatest importance, never to lose sight of it in every part of the operations, and particularly in selecting the ground and soil to place a brewery on. ## Code blocks The situation to be preferred should be an elevated one, and the soil either sand or gravel. It is of great importance in the preservation of beer that the cellars be dry. Pumping by a hand or a horse power is a poor substitute, as by this means (which we find too common in breweries) the washings of the cellars have time to become putrid. This is a serious evil, and should in all cases, as much as possible, be avoided. It is true, there are times, when a choice of situation cannot be made; in that case, circumstances must be submitted to, and people do the best they can. The cellars and coolers of the breweries in this country should have a northern aspect, and the cellars principally ventilated from east to west. The windows on the south side of cellars should be always close shut in summer, and only occasionally opened in winter; the floors of cellars should be paved with either tile or brick, these being more susceptible of being kept clean than either pavement or flags. Cleanliness being as essential in the brewery as in the dairy, it is of th greatest importance, never to lose sight of it in every part of the operations, and particularly in selecting the ground and soil to place a brewery on. ## Horizontal rule Of such importance did the Academy of Arts and Sciences at Paris consider this improvement, that they thought it worth while to appoint a committee of their own members to go down to one of the provinces where this gentleman resides, and there, on the spot, superintend his operations, which they did with minute attention; and it is from the journal of their reports to the academy, that the different processes of tanning leather in this ingenious artist's way are here given. --- All these considerations united seem forcibly to recommend giving the breweries of the United States every possible encouragement and extension. Here, it is but justice to state, that the brewers of New-York deserve much credit for the high improvement they have made in the quality of their malt liquors within a few years, which seem to justify the hope that they will continue these advances to excellence, until they realise the opinion of Combrune and others, that it is possible to produce a malt wine. ## Images ![Insert link to your own large image here](http://example.com/test.jpg "Optional title") A description of the form and plan of a brewery, distribution of the vessels; the most judicious and convenient manner of placing them, with an inline image ![insert link to your own small image here](http://example.com/test.jpg) with a view to cleanliness, and effect. # Extensions to basic markdown ## Tables A description of the form and plan of a brewery, distribution of the vessels; the most judicious and convenient manner of placing them, with a view to economy, cleanliness, and effect. Code | Room -------|------ A | Malt House B |Brewery office C |Cellars D | Sky cooler Malt house, the best construction of, with proper barley lofts, dropping room, and flooring, how, and in what manner made, and best likely to last. Code | Room | Notes -------|-------|------- A | Malt House | The dwelling house, vat house, and working store, to form one side of the brewery. B |Brewery office | Place in the passage of the outer gateway, so that every thing going in and out might be seen by those who are in the office. C |Cellars | If these be under ground, it would be very desirable to have them kept sweet and clean by properly constructed sewers D | Sky cooler | The sky cooler is, generally, the most elevated vessel in the brewery, and when properly constructed, is of great importance in facilitating both brewing and malting operations, as it usually supplies the whole quantity of water wanted in both. The best position for placing a brewery and malt house, also the best aspect with different arrangements of the vessels. ---
Python Tutorial ?
Variable Name
# DATA <hr> name = "Jose" #string age = 25 #integer height = 6.5 #float race = "Hispanic" #string occupation = "n.a.s.a" #string cool = True #boolean # PRINT <hr> print name print age print height print occupation print name, age print name + " " + occupation #concatenation # GET INPUT <hr> last_name = raw_input("What is your last name?") print last_name # LISTS <hr> favorite_colors = ["white","gold","red"] print favorite_colors[0] print favorite_colors[1] print favorite_colors[2] # CONCATENATE <hr> print "You have",len(favorite_colors), "favorite colors." # COMMENTS (A hash I front of a line makes it a comment) #len() gets the length of a list #wife_name = console.secure_input("name?") #print "Your wife's name is", wife_name def printInfo(): print name print age print height print occupation #you must indent printInfo() def getInput(): new_name = raw_input("Enter a new name") new_age = raw_input("Enter a new age") new_height = raw_input("Enter a new height") new_occupation = raw_input("Enter a new occuoation") <br> print "Your new name is ", new_name print "Your new age is ", new_age print "Your new height is ", new_height print "Your new occupation is ", new_occupation getInput()22 # DICTIONARIES <hr> grades = {1 : 76, 2 : 99, 3:87 } print grades[2] #def addAges(a,b,c): #print a + b + c #addAges(wife,son,daughter) # Loops <hr> ## For >>> range(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # range(a) >>> range(5, 10) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range(0, 10, 3) [0, 3, 6, 9] >>> range(-10, -100, -30) [-10, -40, -70] # range(a,b) >>> range(5, 10) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range(0, 10, 3) [0, 3, 6, 9] >>> range(-10, -100, -30) [-10, -40, -70] # for i in range(a,b) >>> a = ['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb'] >>> for i in range(len(a)): ... print i, a[i] ... 0 Mary 1 had 2 a 3 little 4 lamb ## Pass >>> while True: ... pass # Busy-wait for keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C) ... The pass statement does nothing. It can be used when a statement is required syntactically but the program requires no action. # CLASS class Fruit (): def __init__(self, color,taste): self.color = color self.taste = taste def eat(self, speed): print "eating " + speed apple = Fruit("red","good") print(apple.color) print(apple.taste) apple.eat("fast")
Lua Tutorial ?
Variable Name
This is lua syntax (tested with "Codea" for iPad) function setup() # STRING name = "Steve" job = "nasa" greeting = "HELLO!" # INTEGER age = 32 time = 0 # FLOAT height = 6.5 # BOOLEANS cool = true young = true mean = false j=0 # Table favorite_foods = {"pizza", "chips", "hamburgers"} favorite_drinks = {"orange soda", "kool-aid", "apple juice"} favorite_animals = {"tiger", "cheetah", "chicken"} favorite_numbers = {3,9,21} description = {race = "Caucasian", gender = "Male", hair_color = "blonde", eye_color = "hazel"} print(name) print(age) print (name .. age) --[[ two periods are used to concatenate (like the + is in other languages)--]] print (name .. "is" .. age) print (name .. " is " .. age) print(#favorite_foods) --the # sign is used to print the amount of items in the favorite_foods tabel print (description.race) -- "race" is the key and "Caucasian" is its value print (description.race.. " ".. " "..description.gender.." ".." "..description.hair_color.." ".." "..description.eye_color) # IF STATEMENTS if age > 20 then print("You are "..age..". You are too old.") elseif age < 20 then print("You are "..age..". You are not old enough.") else print("You are "..age..". You are the correct age.") end if cool == true then print("You are cool") end if cool then print("You are still cool") end # FOR LOOPS for i=0, 3 do print(favorite_foods[i]) end for i=0, #favorite_foods do print(favorite_foods[i]) end # FUNCTIONS function Average() for i=1, #favorite_numbers-1 do sum = favorite_numbers[i] + favorite_numbers[i+1] end print ("Sum is: ".. sum/#favorite_numbers) end Average() --run/call the Average() function. function Add(num1,num2) total = num1 + num2 return total end print(Add(3,5)) --prints the result of the function (the function returns the total). -- num1 and num2 are arguments/parameters. # FORMAT STRINGS print(string.format("%s %q", "I am not","weird!")) --string and quoted string print(string.format("%i",1.3)) --format as integer print(string.format("%c%c%c",76,117,97)) --char print(string.format("%i",5)) --format as float print(string.format("%e %E",math.pi,math.pi)) --exponent print(string.format("%o,%x,%X",-100,-100,-100)) --octal,hex,hex # GET THE LENGTH OF A STRING print("Your name has " .. string.len(name).. " letters.") -- string.len gets the length of a string # REVERSE THE STRING print(string.reverse(name)) --string.reverse reverses a string # MAKE THE STRING LOWER CASE print(string.lower(greeting)) # MAKE THE STRING UPPER CASE print(string.upper(job)) # REMOVE AN OBJECT FROM A TABLE print(table.remove(favorite_animals).. " removed from favorite animals.") # FOR LOOPS ON TABLES for i=1,#favorite_animals do print(favorite_animals[i]) end # INSERT AN OBJECT INTO A TABLE print(table.insert(favorite_animals,"chicken")) # FOR LOOPS ON TABLES --This should be different as another object was added to the table previously. for i=1,#favorite_animals do print(favorite_animals[i]) end # WHILE LOOPS while cool do j = j + 1 if j < 11 then print("you are cool") elseif j > 10 then cool = false print("You were cool the first 10 times, but not anymore.") end end function Count(max) time = time + 1/60 print(string.format("%i",time)) if time >= max then time = 0 end end --OS end function draw() Count(20) end
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Generate Text ?
Markdown Tutorial.md
Generate Document ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Comment ?
Store Name Input ?
Variable Name
Create Document ?
File Name
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
In Dropbox
…End If
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Url Schemes
Set File Contents ?
File Name
URL Schemes Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
URL Schemes Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Regular Expressions
Set File Contents ?
File Name
RegEx Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
RegEx Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Set File Contents ?
File Name
HTML Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
HTML Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Set File Contents ?
File Name
TaskPaper Tutorial.taskpaper
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
TaskPaper Tutorial.taskpaper
In Dropbox
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Generate Document ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Comment ?
Store Name Input ?
Variable Name
Python Tutorial.md
Create Document ?
File Name
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
In Dropbox
…End If
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Set File Contents ?
File Name
Sample Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
Sample Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
…End If
If...Output ?
Run the block if
  • is Equal to
  • is Not Equal to
  • Contains
  • Doesn't Contain
  • Matches Regular Expression
Set File Contents ?
File Name
Lua Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
New Text
If File Does Not Exist
  • Create
  • Stop Workflow
Open Document ?
File Name
Lua Tutorial.md
In Dropbox
…End If