Editorial Workflows

ASCII Punctuation

public workflow

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Gets rid of non-ascii punctuation (“”—•‘’…−), replaces with ascii equivalents (the dot turns into a hyphen). Mainly to keep stuff from breaking when moving from, e.g., Microsoft word to HTML, without having to muck around with encoding. Not guaranteed to work with all input encodings, but I haven't managed to break it yet.

EXAMPLE INPUT: This has some “st—up•id ‘char−acters’, in its’ string…”

EXAMPLE OUTPUT: This has some "st-up-id 'char-acters', in its' string..."

Shared by: Paul Gowder (paul-gowder.com)

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Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import editor

text = editor.get_text()	

drek = {'“': '"', '”': '"', "’": "'", "‘": "'", '—': '-', '−': '-', '…': '...', '•': '-', '–':'-'}

def clean(text):
  for key in drek.keys():
    text = text.replace(key, drek[key])
  return text

fixed = clean(text)

editor.replace_text(0, len(text), fixed)