#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import urllib
import requests
import random
import operator
import editor
import workflow
_VERSION_ = 1.6
class SearchLink(object):
Based on Brett Terpstra's SearchLink (https://gist.github.com/ttscoff/3900158),
ported over to Python. The reason to port it over to Python is to be used with
Editorial for iPad (http://omz-software.com/editorial/), which can run Python.
def __init__(self,
super(SearchLink, self).__init__()
self.inline = inline
self.include_titles = include_titles
self.prefix_random = prefix_random
self.references = {}
prefix = "{0:04}-".format(random.randint(0, 9999)) if self.prefix_random else ''
self.reference_id = (prefix + "{0:03}".format(i) for i in xrange(1, 1000000))
self.search_type_func = {"a": lambda term: self._google("site:amazon.com " + term),
"g": self._google,
"wiki": self._wiki,
"def": lambda term: self._google("define " + term, True),
"mas": lambda term: self._itunes("macSoftware", term),
"masd": lambda term: self._itunes("macSoftware", term, True),
"itu": lambda term: self._itunes('iPadSoftware', term),
"itud": lambda term: self._itunes('iPadSoftware', term, True),
"s": lambda term: self._google("(software OR app OR mac) " + term),
"isong": lambda term: self._itunes("song", term),
"iart": lambda term: self._itunes("musicArtist", term),
"ialb": lambda term: self._itunes("album", term),
"lsong": lambda term: self._lastfm("track", term),
"lart": lambda term: self._lastfm("artist", term)}
def replace(self, text):
text = re.sub("\\[(.*?)\\]\\((.+?)\\)", self._replace_search_links, text)
if self.inline:
return text
sorted_refs = sorted(self.references.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
ref_text = '\n'.join(map(lambda (key, value): value + ": " + key, sorted_refs))
return text + '\n' + ref_text
def _replace_search_links(self, search_link):
link_text = search_link.groups()[0]
link_info = search_link.groups()[1]
results = self._get_search_link_info(link_text, link_info)
# skip over links that are not in SearchLinks syntax
if results is None:
return search_link.group(0)
search_type, search_term = results
url, title = self.search_type_func[search_type](search_term)
except KeyError:
# my attempt at trying to match URLs (http://stackoverflow.com/a/7160778)
match = re.search("^((http|ftp)s?://)?"
"(/?|[/?]\\S+)$", search_type)
# not a URL so just return it
if not match:
return search_link.group(0)
url, title = self._google("site:{0} {1}".format(search_type, search_term))
# if link_text is empty, then replace it with the title of the link
link_text = title if link_text == '' and title else link_text
return "[{0}]{1}".format(link_text, self._create_link_reference(url, title))
def _get_search_link_info(self, link_text, link_info):
Parses the a SearchLink's information to figure out what type
and search terms should be used.
matches = re.search("^!([^ ]+?)( \"(.*?)\")?$", link_info)
if matches is not None:
search_type = matches.group(1)
search_term = matches.group(3)
if search_term is None:
search_term = link_text
return search_type, search_term
return None
def _create_link_reference(self, url, title):
Based on the given parameters, link references will be inline
and will have titles.
if self.include_titles:
link_reference = u'{url} "{title}"'.format(url=url, title=title)
link_reference = u'{url}'.format(url=url)
if self.inline:
return '({0})'.format(link_reference)
if link_reference not in self.references:
reference_id = '[{0}]'.format(self._get_reference_id())
self.references[link_reference] = reference_id
return reference_id
return self.references[link_reference]
def _get_reference_id(self):
return next(self.reference_id)
def _wiki(self, terms):
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=info&inprop=url&titles={terms}"
url = url.format(terms=urllib.quote_plus(terms))
response = requests.request('GET', url).json()
result = response['query']['pages']
if result:
return result.values()[0]['fullurl'], result.values()[0]['title']
return None, None
def _itunes(self, type, terms, dev=False):
url = "http://itunes.apple.com/search?term={terms}&entity={type}"
url = url.format(terms=urllib.quote_plus(terms), type=type)
response = requests.request('GET', url).json()
if response['resultCount']:
result = response['results'][0]
if type in ['macSoftware', 'iPadSoftware']:
output_url = result['sellerUrl'] if dev and result.get('sellerUrl') else result['trackViewUrl']
title = result['trackName']
return output_url, title
elif type in ['musicArtist', 'song', 'album']:
result_type = result['wrapperType']
if result_type == 'track':
output_url = result['trackViewUrl']
title = result['trackName'] + " by " + result['artistName']
elif result_type == 'collection':
output_url = result['collectionViewUrl']
title = result['collectionName'] + " by " + result['artistName']
elif result_type == 'artist':
output_url = result['artistLinkUrl']
title = result['artistName']
return output_url, title
return None, None
def _lastfm(self, type, terms):
url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method={type}.search&{type}={terms}&api_key=2f3407ec29601f97ca8a18ff580477de&format=json"
url = url.format(type=type, terms=urllib.quote_plus(terms))
response = requests.request('GET', url).json()
if response['results']:
if type == 'track':
result = response['results']['trackmatches']['track'][0]
output_url = result['url']
title = result['name'] + " by " + result['artist']
elif type == 'artist':
result = response['results']['artistmatches']['artist'][0]
output_url = result['url']
title = result['name']
return output_url, title
return None, None
def _google(self, terms, define=False):
url = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&filter=1&rsz=small&q={0}"
url = url.format(urllib.quote_plus(terms))
response = requests.request('GET', url).json()
if response['responseData']:
result = response['responseData']['results'][0]
if not result: return None, None
output_url = result['unescapedUrl']
if define and "dictionary" in output_url:
title = re.sub("</?.*?>", "", result['content'])
title = result['titleNoFormatting']
return output_url, title
return None, None
input = editor.get_text()
output = SearchLink(include_titles=workflow.get_variable("include_titles") == "True",
inline=workflow.get_variable("inline") == "True",
prefix_random=workflow.get_variable("prefix_random") == "True").replace(input)
editor.replace_text(0, len(input), output)
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