Editorial Workflows


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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Converts input bibtex record to a citation

Shared by: Derick Fay

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#coding: utf-8
import workflow
import editor

# use input (for calling from Drafts) or current selection in Editorial
action_in = workflow.get_input()
if action_in == '':
	action_in = editor.get_selected_text()
# following section is adapted from
# http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~karlu/div/blog/2012-07-13_PythonBibTexParser/BibTeXParser.py
# Copyright 2012, Karljohan Lundin Palmerius
# Usage:
# import BibTeXParser
# parser = BibTeXParser()
# result = parser.parse("bibliography.bib")
# The result will be a list of one associative array for each bibtex
# record, containing the fields "type" and "key" with record type and
# bibtex-key, respectively, and the fields of each record.

import re

re_head_pattern = """\s*(\w+)\s*[({]\s*(\w*)\s*"""
re_var_pattern = """\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*,?"""

class BibTeXParser:
  def __init__(self):

  def parse(self,theText):
    if theText is None:
      return None
    records = theText.split("@")
    re_head = re.compile(re_head_pattern)
    re_var = re.compile(re_var_pattern)
    result = []
    for record in records:
      lines = record.splitlines()
      if len(lines) < 2: continue
      head_res = re_head.match(lines[0])
      del lines[0]

      res_rec = { "type": head_res.group(1), "key": head_res.group(2) }
      for line in lines:
        var_res = re_var.match(line)
        if var_res is None: continue
        res_rec[var_res.group(1)] = var_res.group(2).strip("""}"{,""")

    return result
# end of adapted section
### formatting functions
def ital(s):
	return '*'+s+'*'

### check for a field	
def check(thePub,field):
	if field in thePub:
		return thePub[field]
		return ''

### handle fields in case-insensitive manner
def au(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Author')+check(thePub,'author')+''

def ti(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Title')+check(thePub,'title')+''
def yr(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Year')+check(thePub,'year')+''

def ad(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Address')+check(thePub,'address')+''

def pu(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Publisher')+check(thePub,'publisher')+''
def vol(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Volume')+check(thePub,'volume')+''
def no(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Number')+check(thePub,'number')+''
def pp(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Pages')+check(thePub,'pages')+''

def jo(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Journal')+check(thePub,'journal')+''

def bk(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Booktitle')+check(thePub,'booktitle')+''
def ed(thePub):
	return check(thePub,'Editor')+check(thePub,'editor')+''
### handle various names for URL fields
def url(thePub):
	u = ''
	u = u + check(thePub,'URL')+check(thePub,'url')+check(thePub,'Url')
	if check(thePub,'Bdsk-Url-1'):
		u = u + '\n'
		u = u + check(thePub,'Bdsk-Url-1')
	if check(thePub,'Bdsk-Url-2'):
		u = u + '\n'
		u = u + check(thePub,'Bdsk-Url-2')
	return u

### return a formatted citation
def cite(pub,style):
### formatting is coded here....add an elif for other styles
###....or rewrite to use a proper templating system 
	if style=='generic':
		result = result+au(pub)+'. '+yr(pub)+'. '
		if pub['type']=='book':	
			result = result+ital(ti(pub))+'. '
			if ad(pub): result = result+ad(pub)+': '
			result = result+pu(pub)
		elif pub['type']=='article':
			result = result+ti(pub)+'. '+ital(jo(pub))+'. '
			if vol(pub): result = result+vol(pub)+':'
			if no(pub): result = result+no(pub)+':'
			result = result+pp(pub)
		elif pub['type']=='inbook':
			result = result+ti(pub)+'. '
			result = result+'In '+ital(bk(pub))+' ed.'
			if ed(pub): result = result+ed(pub)+'. '
			if ad(pub): result = result+ad(pub)+': '
			result = result+pu(pub)
			if pp(pub): result = result+', pp. '+pp(pub)
		result = result+'.\n'
		if url(pub): result = result+url(pub)+'\n'
		result = result+'\n'
	return result

# parse the input		
parser = BibTeXParser()
bib = parser.parse(action_in)

# generate the citations
for p in bib: