#coding: utf-8
import workflow
import urllib, urllib2, urlparse, httplib
import clipboard
class URLExpander:
# known shortening services
shorteners = ['tr.im','is.gd','tinyurl.com','bit.ly','snipurl.com','cli.gs',
twofers = [u'\u272Adf.ws']
# learned hosts
learned = []
def resolve(self, url, components):
""" Try to resolve a single URL """
c = httplib.HTTPConnection(components.netloc)
c.request("GET", components.path)
r = c.getresponse()
l = r.getheader('Location')
if l == None:
return url # it might be impossible to resolve, so best leave it as is
return l
def query(self, url, recurse = True):
""" Resolve a URL """
components = urlparse.urlparse(url)
# Check weird shortening services first
if (components.netloc in self.twofers) and recurse:
return self.query(self.resolve(url, components), False)
# Check known shortening services first
if components.netloc in self.shorteners:
return self.resolve(url, components)
# If we haven't seen this host before, ping it, just in case
if components.netloc not in self.learned:
ping = self.resolve(url, components)
if ping != url:
return ping
# The original URL was OK
return url
action_in = clipboard.get()
#TODO: Generate the output...
action_out = newURL
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