Editorial Workflows

Set Reminders

public workflow

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This workflow contains at least one Python script. Only use it if you trust the person who shared this with you, and if you know exactly what it does.

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Scans taskpaper for tasks/projects with tags (@reminder, @due) and sets/updates alerts in iOS reminders. In 'Editorial' lists.
Alerts could be relative (+hh:mm) [also just (+h:) or (+:mm) also (+:75)] or at set time (hh:mm). If it is past reminder hour script assumes alert supposed to be set for tomorrow.
v 1.0
- handle @done tag - skip or mark existing reminder as completed
- Maybe @due should set reminder due date & @reminder set alert (now they both set alert and date interchangeable)
- split regex - regex works fine for now but will get unreadable with time - split into few sequential tests
- handle different Reminders calendars - now it is using calendar ID fixed in code
- handle calendar dates not only time? (I never really use long term reminders)
- sync both directions?

Shared by: chew-z

Comments: Comment Feed (RSS)

zarazum — 06 Sep 2016
Does not work — indentation problem on line 17/
anonymous — 19 Apr 2018

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Workflow Preview
Document Text ?
Folded Text
  • Include
  • Replace with:
Run Python Script ?
Source Code
#coding: utf-8
import re
import editor
import dialogs
import datetime
import workflow
import reminders
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil import parser

now = datetime.now()

def get_id(cal_name):
	# get ID for Reminders list
	all_calendars = reminders.get_all_calendars()
	for calendar in all_calendars:
  	if calendar.title == cal_name:
  		print calendar.identifier
  		return calendar.identifier

def get_reminders(line):
	# get reminders from taskpaper
	for todo, s_time in re.findall(r'\-?\s?(.*)(?:\s@reminder|\s@due)\((.*)\)', line):
		# print todo, s_time
		for t_pp, t_hh, t_mm in re.findall(r'(\+{0,1})(\d{0,2}):(\d{0,2})', s_time):
			# print t_pp, t_hh, t_mm
			if t_pp:
				# '+' notation
				due = datetime.now()
				if t_hh:
					due += timedelta(hours=int(t_hh))
				if t_mm:
					due += timedelta(minutes=int(t_mm))
				due = parser.parse(t_hh+':'+t_mm, fuzzy=True)
				# due is tomorrow
				if due < now:
					due += timedelta(days=1)
		return todo, due
	return None, None
def set_reminders(todo, due):
	# sets/updates iOS reminders
	# '33B23FFD-02A9-4C3F-934B-BAB33C985EA4'
	# print calendar.identifier to get id
	# id = get_id('Editorial')
	c = reminders.get_calendar('33B23FFD-02A9-4C3F-934B-BAB33C985EA4')
	# print c.title
	rs = reminders.get_reminders(c, False)
	for r in rs:
		# print r.title, todo
		if r.title == todo:
			# print 'updating', todo
			r.due_date = due
			a = reminders.Alarm()
			a.date = due
			r.alarms = [a]
			return r.save()
		# print 'creating', todo
		r = reminders.Reminder(c)
		r.title = todo
		r.due_date = due
		a = reminders.Alarm()
		a.date = due
		r.alarms = [a]
		return	r.save()

action_in = workflow.get_input()

for line in action_in.split('\n'):
	if '@done' in line:
		print '@done:', line
		# find todo and set reminder.completed
		todo, due = get_reminders(line)
		if todo is not None:
			# print todo, due
			set_reminders(todo, due)
action_out = action_in