Editorial Workflows

Search Browser Page

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Highlights search terms on current browser page. Clears previous highlights.

::: JS source: http://www.icab.de/blog/2010/01/12/search-and-highlight-text-in-uiwebview/

::: Made by Macdrifter
:::: Version 1.0

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// We're using a global variable to store the number of occurrences var MyApp_SearchResultCount = 0; // helper function, recursively searches in elements and their child nodes function MyApp_HighlightAllOccurencesOfStringForElement(element,keyword) { if (element) { if (element.nodeType == 3) { // Text node while (true) { var value = element.nodeValue; // Search for keyword in text node var idx = value.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword); if (idx < 0) break; // not found, abort var span = document.createElement("span"); var text = document.createTextNode(value.substr(idx,keyword.length)); span.appendChild(text); span.setAttribute("class","MyAppHighlight"); span.style.backgroundColor="yellow"; span.style.color="black"; text = document.createTextNode(value.substr(idx+keyword.length)); element.deleteData(idx, value.length - idx); var next = element.nextSibling; element.parentNode.insertBefore(span, next); element.parentNode.insertBefore(text, next); element = text; MyApp_SearchResultCount++; // update the counter } } else if (element.nodeType == 1) { // Element node if (element.style.display != "none" && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'select') { for (var i=element.childNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--) { MyApp_HighlightAllOccurencesOfStringForElement(element.childNodes[i],keyword); } } } } } // the main entry point to start the search function MyApp_HighlightAllOccurencesOfString(keyword) { MyApp_RemoveAllHighlights(); MyApp_HighlightAllOccurencesOfStringForElement(document.body, keyword.toLowerCase()); } // helper function, recursively removes the highlights in elements and their childs function MyApp_RemoveAllHighlightsForElement(element) { if (element) { if (element.nodeType == 1) { if (element.getAttribute("class") == "MyAppHighlight") { var text = element.removeChild(element.firstChild); element.parentNode.insertBefore(text,element); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); return true; } else { var normalize = false; for (var i=element.childNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (MyApp_RemoveAllHighlightsForElement(element.childNodes[i])) { normalize = true; } } if (normalize) { element.normalize(); } } } } return false; } // the main entry point to remove the highlights function MyApp_RemoveAllHighlights() { MyApp_SearchResultCount = 0; MyApp_RemoveAllHighlightsForElement(document.body); } searchText = prompt("Enter Search Phrase", ""); MyApp_HighlightAllOccurencesOfString(searchText)