Editorial Workflows


public workflow

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This workflow contains at least one Python script. Only use it if you trust the person who shared this with you, and if you know exactly what it does.

I understand, install the workflow!

This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Highlight markdown and format it into reference style links

* See [this post](http://www.drbunsen.org/formd-a-markdown-formatting-tool/) for further information.

* See the [ForMd docs](http://drbunsen.github.io/formd/) for more information:

Comments: Comment Feed (RSS)

dofine — 22 Jan 2015
Doesn't work perfectly here. Would duplicate all the content while editing. Don't know why.

+ Add Comment

Workflow Preview
Document Text ?
Folded Text
  • Include
  • Replace with:
Run Python Script ?
Source Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding=utf8
Seth Brown

import editor
import workflow
from sys import stdin, stdout
import argparse
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

class ForMd(object):
    """ Format Markdown text"""
    def __init__(self, text):
        super(ForMd, self).__init__()
        self.text = text
        self.match_links = re.compile(r"""(\[[^^]*?\])\s?             # text
                                      (\[.*?\]|\(.*?\r?\n?.*?\)\)?)   # ref/url
                                       """, re.MULTILINE | re.X)
        self.match_refs = re.compile(r'(?<=\n)\[[^^\r?\n]*?\]:\s?.*')
        self.data = []

    def _links(self):
        """ Find Markdown links"""
        links = re.findall(self.match_links, self.text)
        for (text, ref)  in links:
            ref = ref.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
            yield (text, ref)

    def _refs(self):
        """ Find Markdown references"""
        refs = re.findall(self.match_refs, self.text)
        refs = OrderedDict(i.split(":", 1) for i in refs)
        return refs

    def _format(self):
        """ Process text"""
        links = (i for i in self._links())
        refs = self._refs()
        for n, link in enumerate(links):
            text, ref = link
            ref_num = ''.join(("[",str(n+1),"]: "))
            if ref in refs.keys():
                url = refs.get(ref).strip()
                formd_ref = ''.join((ref_num, url))
                formd_text = ''.join((text, ref_num))
                self.data.append([formd_text, formd_ref])
            elif text in refs.keys():
                url = refs.get(text).strip()
                formd_ref = ''.join((ref_num, url))
                formd_text = ''.join((text, ref_num))
                self.data.append([formd_text, formd_ref])
            elif ref not in refs.keys():
                # remove the leading/training parens
                parse_ref = ref[1:-1]
                formd_ref = ''.join((ref_num, parse_ref))
                formd_text = ''.join((text,ref_num))
                self.data.append([formd_text, formd_ref])

    def inline_md(self):
        """ Generate inline Markdown"""
        text_link = iter([''.join((_[0].split("][",1)[0],
            "](", _[1].split(":",1)[1].strip(), ")")) for _ in self.data])
        formd_text = self.match_links.sub(lambda _: next(text_link), self.text)
        formd_md = self.match_refs.sub('', formd_text).strip()
        return formd_md

    def ref_md(self):
        """ Generate referenced Markdown"""
        ref_nums = iter([_[0].rstrip(" :") for _ in self.data])
        formd_text = self.match_links.sub(lambda _: next(ref_nums), self.text)
        formd_refs = self.match_refs.sub('', formd_text).strip()
        references = (i[1] for i in self.data)
        formd_md = '\n'.join((formd_refs,
                              '\n', '\n'.join(i for i in references)))
        return formd_md

    def flip(self):
        """ Convert Markdown to the opposite style of the first text link"""
            first_match = re.search(self.match_links, self.text).group(0)
            if first_match is None or first_match == []:
                formd_md = self.text
            elif '(' and ')' in first_match:
                formd_md = self.ref_md()
                formd_md = self.inline_md()
        except AttributeError:
            formd_md = self.text
        yield formd_md

def main():
    description = 'formd: A (for)matting (M)ark(d)own tool.'
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    p.add_argument('-r', '--ref', help="convert text to referenced Markdown",
                   action='store_true', default=False)
    p.add_argument('-i', '--inline', help="convert text to inline Markdown",
                   action='store_true', default=False)
    p.add_argument('-f', '--flip', help="convert to opposite style Markdown",
                   action='store_true', default=True)
    args = p.parse_args()
    md = stdin.read()
    text = ForMd(md)
    if (args.inline):
        [stdout.write(t) for t in text.inline_md()]
    elif (args.ref):
        [stdout.write(t) for t in text.ref_md()]
    elif (args.flip):
        [stdout.write(t) for t in text.flip()]

def editorial_ref_md():
	text = workflow.get_input()
	f = ForMd(text)
	ref_md = f.ref_md()
Replace Selected Text ?
Replacement Text