Editorial Workflows

Crop Image

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This is a workflow for Editorial, a Markdown and plain text editor for iOS. To download it, you need to view this page on a device that has the app installed.

Description: Custom UI to crop images and save the output to the Camera Roll.

Version 1.1

- Layout issues: if you change the orientation of your device, the crop area will adjust accordingly.
- Crop Adjustment: After selecting your crop area, now you can drag the corner handlers to adjust size or the crop area for position.
- Weird new bug: After you select your crop area, the Clear/Crop buttons look disabled, but they're enabled, I swear. If you crop and cancel, they'll work properly.

Shared by: Phillip Gruneich

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#coding: utf-8
import ui
import photos
#### PointView: the little handlers on the corners of the crop area

class PointView(ui.View):
	def __init__(self):
		self.bounds = (0,0,44,44)
		self.hidden = True
		self.touch_enabled = False
		self.flex = 'TBLR'

	def draw(self):
		contour = ui.Path.oval(14,14,16,16)
		oval = ui.Path.oval(18,18,8,8)

#### CropArea: the almighty area that defines where you'll crop the image
class CropArea(ui.View):
	def __init__(self):
		self.hidden = True
		self.touch_enabled = False
		self.background_color = (1,0.54,0.24,0.3)
		self.bounds = (0,0,2,2)
		self.flex = 'WHTBLR'

##### DragView: the slutty view that lets you drag your finger all over it. CakeView?

class DragView (ui.View):
	def __init__(self):
		self.background_color = (1,1,1,0)
		self.content_mode = ui.CONTENT_SCALE_ASPECT_FIT
		self.crop_area = CropArea()
		self.indicator_start = PointView()
		self.indicator_end = PointView()
		self.crop_pixels = ui.Label(number_of_lines=1, background_color=(1,0.54,0.24,1.0))
		self.crop_pixels.flex = 'TBLR'
		self.crop_pixels.hidden = True
		self.crop_pixels.text_color = '#383838'
		self.crop_pixels.height = 20
		self.crop_pixels.alignment = ui.ALIGN_CENTER

	def draw(self):
		self.crop_button = ui.ButtonItem(title='Crop', enabled=False, action=self.crop_action, tint_color=(1,0.54,0.24,1.0))
		self.superview.right_button_items = [self.crop_button]
		self.clear_button = ui.ButtonItem(title='Clear', enabled=False, action=self.clear_action, tint_color=(1,0.54,0.24,1.0))
		self.superview.left_button_items = [self.clear_button]
		self.spinner = ui.ActivityIndicator()
		self.spinner.center = self.center

	def touch_began(self, touch):
		self.crop_button.enabled = False
		self.clear_button.enabled = False
		if not self.indicator_end in self.subviews:
			self.crop_area.bounds = (0,0,2,2)
			self.indicator_start.center = touch.location
			self.indicator_start.hidden = False
			self.crop_area.x = touch.location[0]
			self.crop_area.y = touch.location[1]
			self.crop_area.hidden = False
			self.crop_pixels.hidden = True
			tx, ty = touch.location
			ax, ay, aw, ah = self.crop_area.frame
			axx, ayy = ax + aw, ay + ah
			sx, sy, sw, sh = self.indicator_start.frame
			sxx, syy = sx + sw, sy + sh
			ex, ey, ew, eh = self.indicator_end.frame
			exx, eyy = ex + ew, ey + eh
			if ax < tx < axx and ay < ty < ayy:
				cx, cy = self.crop_area.center
				self.drag_object = 0
				self.objx, self.objy = cx - tx, cy - ty
			elif sx < tx < sxx and sy < ty < syy:
				cx, cy = self.indicator_start.center
				self.drag_object = 1
				self.objx, self.objy = tx - cx, ty - cy
			elif ex < tx < exx and ey < ty < eyy:
				cx, cy = self.indicator_end.center
				self.drag_object = 2
				self.objx, self.objy = tx - cx, ty - cy
				self.drag_object = None

	def touch_moved(self, touch):
		tx,ty = touch.location
		if not self.indicator_end in self.subviews:
			if tx < self.indicator_start.center[0]:
				self.crop_area.x = tx
			if ty < self.indicator_start.center[1]:
				self.crop_area.y = ty
			self.crop_area.width = abs(tx - self.indicator_start.center[0])
			self.crop_area.height = abs(ty - self.indicator_start.center[1])
			self.crop_pixels.hidden = False
			self.crop_pixels.text = '%i x %i' % self.current_crop_size()
			if self.drag_object == 0:
				self.crop_area.center = self.objx + tx, self.objy + ty
				self.indicator_start.center = self.crop_area.x, self.crop_area.y
				self.indicator_end.center = self.crop_area.x + self.crop_area.width, self.crop_area.y + self.crop_area.height
			elif self.drag_object == 1:
				self.indicator_start.center = self.objx + tx, self.objy + ty
				self.crop_area.width = abs(self.indicator_end.center[0] - self.indicator_start.center[0])
				self.crop_area.height = abs(self.indicator_end.center[1] - self.indicator_start.center[1])
				self.crop_area.x, self.crop_area.y = self.indicator_start.center
				self.crop_pixels.text = '%i x %i' % self.current_crop_size()
			elif self.drag_object == 2:
				self.indicator_end.center = self.objx + tx, self.objy + ty
				self.crop_area.width = abs(self.indicator_end.center[0] - self.indicator_start.center[0])
				self.crop_area.height = abs(self.indicator_end.center[1] - self.indicator_start.center[1])
				self.crop_pixels.text = '%i x %i' % self.current_crop_size()
		self.crop_pixels.x = self.crop_area.x
		self.crop_pixels.y = self.crop_area.y + self.crop_area.height

	def touch_ended(self, touch):
		self.crop_button.enabled = True
		self.clear_button.enabled = True
		if not self.indicator_end in self.subviews:
			self.indicator_end.center = touch.location
			self.indicator_end.hidden = False
	def clear_action(self, sender):
		self.crop_button.enabled = False
		self.indicator_end.hidden = True
		self.crop_area.hidden = True
		self.indicator_start.hidden = True
		self.crop_pixels.hidden = True
		self.clear_button.enabled = False

	def crop_action(self, sender):
		the_image = self.superview.image_view.image
		iw, ih = the_image.size
		fx, fy, fw, fh = self.crop_area.frame
		scale = min(iw/self.width, ih/self.height)
		dw, dh, dx, dy = fw * scale, fh * scale, fx * scale, fy * scale
		with ui.ImageContext(dw,dh) as ctx:
			with ui.ImageContext(iw,ih) as cropx:
				le_crop = cropx.get_image()
			ui.concat_ctm(ui.Transform.translation(-dx, -dy))
			self.cropped_image = ctx.get_image()
		self.show_crop = ui.ImageView()
		self.show_crop.image = self.cropped_image
		self.show_crop.content_mode = ui.CONTENT_SCALE_ASPECT_FIT
		self.show_crop.flex = 'TBLR'
		save_image = ui.ButtonItem(title='Save Image', action=self.save_to_camera_roll)
		self.show_crop.right_button_items = [save_image]

	def save_to_camera_roll(self, sender): ### Saves the cropped image to the Camera Roll
		saved_photo = photos.save_image(self.cropped_image)
		if saved_photo:

	def current_crop_size(self): ## Calculates the real crop size to fill the label.
		iw, ih = self.superview.image_view.image.size
		fx, fy, fw, fh = self.crop_area.frame
		scale = min(iw/self.width, ih/self.height)
		dw, dh = fw * scale, fh * scale
		return dw,dh

	def layout(self): ## Fixes the position for the label that displays the actual pixels on device turn.
		self.crop_pixels.x = self.crop_area.x
		self.crop_pixels.y = self.crop_area.y + self.crop_area.height
###### DemoView: the patriarch of all views.

class DemoView (ui.View):
	def __init__(self):
		self.image_view = ui.ImageView(frame=self.bounds)
		self.image_view.content_mode = ui.CONTENT_SCALE_ASPECT_FIT
		self.image_view.flex = 'WH'
		self.image_view.background_color = '#383838'
		self.drag_view = DragView()

	def set_image(self, img):
		self.image_view.image = img

	def layout(self):
		if self.image_view.image:
			w, h = self.width, self.height
			iw, ih = self.image_view.image.size
			scale = min(w/iw, h/ih)
			dw, dh = iw * scale, ih * scale
			x, y = (w - dw) * 0.5, (h - dh) * 0.5
			self.drag_view.frame = (x, y, dw, dh)
img = ui.Image.from_data(photos.pick_image(raw_data=True))
if img:
	v = DemoView()